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2、Four Seasons,Brainstorming(头脑风暴),2、Can you tell me the words about weather? (你能说出有关天气的词吗?),3、Can you tell me the words about clothes? ( 你能说出有关服装的词吗?),1、What do you do on the weekend?,spring,in sing,I。

3、seasons,spring,summer,autumn,winter,I like winter, because I really like winter vacation.,Which season do you like best?,When is your birthday?,Its in _.,January February March April May June Jan。

4、PEP 6 Unit2 Lets spell,br- gr-,b,x,t,p,h,d,c,l,c,l,o,ck,ea,n,a,ss,class,e,ver,clever,clock,clean,p,l,a,te,plate,a,nt,eggplant,ea,se,please,ay,play,library,Go to the .,Look at the bookshelves.(书架),T。

5、PEP小学英语五年级下册 Unit5 Look at the monkeys 一、教学内容: A Lets learn Lets play C Task time 二、教学目标: 1.能够听说认读句子:Look at the tiger! Its running. The rabbit jumping. 2.能够听说读写动词短语的ing形式:flying jumping walking runni。

6、Unit1 My Day,B Read and write (P9),Lets read!,p.m.,a.m.,do morning exercises,eat breakfast,eat dinner,play sports,haveclass,?,?,?,?,?,take a dancing class,clean my room,go for a walk,go shopping,?,?。

7、Unit2 My Favourite Season,A lets talk & lets try,warm and sunny,Its .,flowers,I can see.,the sea,hot,ice cream,cool and windy,fruits,cold and snowy,snow,There are four seasons.,season,Do you li。

8、Unit 1 This is My Day第一课时一、教学目标与要求1、能够听、说、读、写以下动词短语:eat breakfast , do morning exercises , have Englis class , play sports , eat dinner .2、能够听懂问句:When do you do morning exercises/并能用所学动词短语替换句型“I usually at”中的关键词回答问句。3、能够理解并说唱Lets chant 部分的歌谣。4、能够了解Good to know 部分的内容。二、教学重点、难点1、重点是掌握A 部分中的五个动词短语,并能用这些回答询问作息时间的问题。2、难点是exercises , ususlly 的发音。三、课前准备1、录音。

9、Unit 1 My day,do morning exercises,play sports,have. class,eat breakfastlunchdinner,Pattern:,When do you do sth I usuall。

10、,Unit Five Whose dog is it?,Whose:huz 1.谁的 2.答语:名词所有格 Mikes 名词性物主代词,人称代词表格,形容词性物主代词用法: That is my dog. 名词性物主代词 名词 It is your dog 名词性物主代词 名词,名词性物主代词用法: The dog is yours. 名词性物主代词 This book。

11、葫市小学五年级英语葫市小学五年级英语 Unit 1Unit 1备课框架备课框架 一、单元教材分析:一、单元教材分析: 本单元的主题 This is my day,是谈论_日常生活的话题,教材给出的情景是 _Zoom 和 Zip 谈论它的周末活动安排_,在话题上和_五上课程安排和周末活动 (学生学过的、即将学的知识)有联系。本阶段学生对该单元已有的知识架构有 _会询问课程及周末活动的安排_。 项目内。

12、,Unit 1 My New Teachers Lesson 2,My grandpa is old. He is old. My mother is young. She is young. My father is tall. He is tall. My sister is short. She is short. My brother is thin. He is thin. My uncle is strong. He is strong. My aunt is kind. She is kind. I am funny. Im funny.,Lets Chant,。

13、Learn the new words : season si:zn 季节 best best 最、极 spring spri 春天 summer sm(r)夏天 skateskeit 滑冰 swim swim 游泳 fall f:l 秋天plant plnt trees种树 which wit 哪一个 fly flai kites kaits 放风筝 winter wint(r) 冬天 make a snowman snmn季节 笑 被 捍 们 疫 瑚 冠 乙 煞 萄 持 睹 颠 翼 载 赠 瑚 裙 南 翟 顾 褒 揩 晾 闪 婉 阀 崭 赃 地 洁 煤 P E P 小 学 五 年 级 英 语 下 册 U n i t P E P 小 学 五 年 级 英 语 下 册 U n i t spring 春天 summer 夏天 winter 冬天 fall 秋天 season 季节 plant trees种树 mak。

14、Unit 4,良教乡联合利华希望小学 陈洁,What are you doing?,Draw, draw, draw pictures. Do, do, do the dishes. Cook, cook, cook dinner. Read, read, read a book. Answer, answer, answer the phone.,Warming up,I am doing th。

15、 Unit 4 When is the art show? Part A 教学导航 教学内容 第一课时 Lets learn Ask and answer 第二课时 Lets try Lets talk 第三课时 Lets spell 教学目标 【 知 识 目 标 】 1. 能 听 、 说 、 读 、 写 并 掌 握 运 用 重 点 词 汇 。 如 : first(1st),s。

16、Learn the new words :,spring 春天,summer 夏天,winter 冬天,fall 秋天,season 季节,plant trees种树,make a snowman 堆雪人,skate 滑冰,swim 游泳,fly kites 放风筝,which 哪一个,Read the new words :,best 最、极,Guessing game,Its _.,Its very hot in this season. Everything is bright.,summer,What season is it ?,Guessing game,Its _.,Its warm and sunny in this season.The grass and trees are green.,sring,Guessing game,Its _.,Its cool and windy in this season.The yellow leaves will fall down.,fall,My F。

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