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2019/9/28,第七章 网络营销,1,第七章 网络营销,教学目的与内容 教学重点与难点 采取的教学手段与教学方法 学时分配 本章思考题,2019/9/28,第七章 网络营销,2,主要内容与学时安排(5h),要求:掌握网络营销的内容与策略 第一节 网络营销的概念与意义(1.5h) 第二节 网上调查


1、2019/9/28,第七章 网络营销,1,第七章 网络营销,教学目的与内容 教学重点与难点 采取的教学手段与教学方法 学时分配 本章思考题,2019/9/28,第七章 网络营销,2,主要内容与学时安排(5h),要求:掌握网络营销的内容与策略 第一节 网络营销的概念与意义(1.5h) 第二节 网上调查与消费者行为分析 (1.5h) 第三节 网络营销策略(2h),2019/9/28,第七章 网络营销,3,第一节 网络营销的概念与意义,要求:掌握网络营销的理念 一、网络营销环境的变化 1、新环境的特点 2、信息传播模式的变化:双向;信息丰富-多媒体信息 3、消费者的变化:分离;个性消费;。

2、 小教师备课录 课题新标准第四册Module7 Unit2 Were having a picnic.总课时授课日期教学目标1.Words: picnic, flying, eating, sleeping, drawing2.Drill: Dad is _. 教学重点1. Sentences : Dad is flying a kite. Mum is _.2. Can use the v+ing words correctly in a real situation.教学难点Enable the Ss to use the v+ing words correctly in a real situation.课前准备录音机,磁带,单词卡,图片,课件Step1:Warm-up/Review1. Greeting2. Lets sing: Its Childrens Day.Step2: Presentation1.(1) T: Its Children。

3、Unit2 School life Reading By Ni Xinli,Do you know which countries the flags stand for(代表)?,England/Britain,America,British English,American English,Task 1 Revision,Match the words on the left with the words on the left,British English,1 American football 2 autumn 3 lift 4 film 5 football 6 holiday 7 maths 8 rubber 9 secondary school 10 post,a. eraser b. fall c. vocation d. football e. mail f. high school g. elevator h. math i. movie j. soccer,American English,1 _ 2 _ 3 _ 4 _ 5。

4、Sing An English Song:,I like coffee ,I like tea.,Free Talk(自由讨论),play football play table tennis watch TV read books play the piano listen to music,1.When are they going to eat?,2.What time is it now?,3.What are the ducks like?,4.What are they going to do now?,5.Whats the weather like?,When are they going to eat?,They are going to eat at half past twelve.,What time is it now?,It is twelve.,What are the ducks like?,The ducks are very noisy.,What are they going to do now?,They are going to wal。

5、小学英语作文:一次野餐 A Picnic I had a picnic with my parents last week. It was asunny day .We started at seven oclock. We went to the park by car. This parkis very big. I think there were one thousand people t。

6、 Unit 5 Family and home Lesson 28: A Family Picnic 一、导学目标 1. 语言目标 1) Master new words Picnic, carry, basket, tablecloth, lot, quiet. 2) Learn sentence patterns What is she/he doing? She /He is. What。

7、,Unit 2 Were having a picnic.,have a picnic,The weather is good.,Lets have a picnic.,It is sunny and warm.,F/M/G: The weather is good. It is sunny and warm. Tingting: Lets have a picnic. F/M/G: Great! F/M/G/T: Go, go, go. Lets have a picnic. Go, go, go. Lets have a picnic.,Im at the _ with my family.,park,having a picnic,Were _.,Were very happy!,F: Im father. Im flying a kite. High, high, high. T: Im a tree. Im big and tall. F: Oh, no!。

8、爱护我们的眼睛,眼睛的作用,播放:动画片浣熊的烦恼,议一议:他们这样做对吗?,三注意:,正确的读写姿势,读书一小时后休息,远眺几分钟,认真做眼保健操,五不要:,做律动:眼球操 配乐:爱眼好视力,毛巾、脸盆要专人专用,游泳后要滴眼药水,保 护 的 食 物,加 重 的 食 品,拓展知识,各种颜色的眼睛,黑色眼睛,褐色眼睛,蓝色眼睛,小朋友们:,6月6日,全国爱眼日,主题:。

9、Lesson 28 A Family Picnic,冀教版 七年级上册,Words and expressions,picnic carry basket tablecloth quiet go on a picnic a basket of look out lots of,n. 野餐 v. 携带;搬运 n. 蓝,筐 n. 桌布;台布 adj. 安静的;平静的 去野餐 一篮子 小心;注意 许多,Do you want to have a picnic?,What will you bring for a picnic?,vegetables,fruits,meat,drinks,What are Bob and Lynn doing? What is Rover doing?,Listen,They are painting.,He is eating the meat.,Who do you see in the picture? What do you see in the picture? W。

10、Lesson 28 A Family Picnic,冀教版 七年级上册,Words and expressions,picnic carry basket tablecloth quiet go on a picnic a basket of look out lots of,n. 野餐 v. 携带;搬运 n. 蓝,筐 n. 桌布;台布 adj. 安静的;平静的 去野餐 一篮子 小心;注意 许多,Do you want to have a picnic?,What will you bring for a picnic?,vegetables,fruits,meat,drinks,What are Bob and Lynn doing? What is Rover doing?,Listen,They are painting.,He is eating the meat.,Who do you see in the picture? What do you see in the picture? W。

11、Unit 3 Lesson 8,A Picnic,Warm-up,vegetables,fruits,meat,drinks,Warm-up,Who do you see in the picture?,Pre-reading,Read the lesson and fill in the blanks.,It is _ today. My family and I are goin。

12、突发事件 9.11恐怖事件 海啸 SARS 禽流感 矿难 火灾 车祸,西方的一位急救专家Vogt曾说过:“对一般公民来说,最大的威胁不是家里失火,也不是马路上的罪犯,而是不能再生死攸关的几分钟内得到急救医疗。”,第一章 绪论,急危重症护理学是以挽救病人生命,提高抢救成功率,促进病人健康,减少伤残率,提高生命质量为目的,以现代医学科学、护理学专业理论为基础,研究急危重症患者抢救、护理和科学管理的一门综合性应用科学。,急危重症护理学的起源与发展,起源,1989年,卫生部将医院建立急诊科和ICU作为医院等级评定的条件之一,急危重症护理。

13、 Unit 1 Were going to have a picnic.教学设计 教学目标分析 知识与技能: 1、学习新句型:when are we going to eat? Were going to eat at half past twelve. What are we going to do? We are going to walk around the lake. 过程与方法: 通过。

14、Lets have a picnic,Lets have a picnic today.swf,fruits,orange,peach,watermelon,pear,banana,apple,strawberry,grape,Test 1 I can read (我会读),pear,one pear,four pears,peach,peaches,watermelon,watermelons,one orange,two oranges,返回,apple,apples,返回,banana,bananas,grape,s,grapes,grapes,strawberry,strawberries,Lets Chant,Red red _, Orange orange_, Pink pink_, Yellow yellow_, Green green_.,apple,orange,peach,pear,watermelon,Apples, app。

15、A Quick Picnic红火箭分级阅读绘本pdf资源lt;p推荐年龄:lt;p5岁以上lt;p资源介绍:lt;p本文给大家分享的资源是翻译成中文名为:野餐,pdf电子书格式的,直接下载到百度网盘即可,资源免费。lt;p红火箭分级阅读系列。

16、Unit 6 Picnic 一 教学内容 牛津小学英语2A第六单元,第一教时(Learn to say) 二 教学目标 1 能听懂、会说、初步认读单词:an ant,a tree 2 能听懂What are those?并能根据情况用They are .回答。 三 教学重点 1 能正确朗读单词an ant , a tree. 2 能听懂What are those?并能根据情况用Th。

PEP小学英语《Lets have a picnic》课件.ppt
2018秋期八年级英语下册 Unit 3 Lesson 8 A Picnic课件 (新版)北师大版.ppt
七年级英语上册 Unit 5 Lesson 28 A Family Picnic课件 (新版)冀教版.ppt
七年级英语上册 Unit 5 Lesson 28 A Family Picnic课件 (新版)冀教版 (2).ppt
PEP小学英语课件:Unit 2 Were having a picnic.ppt
电子商务课件 学习课件教学课件 PPT网络营销 学习课件教案讲义.ppt
牛津小学英语2A UNIT6 A PICNIC教案.doc
《A Quick Picnic》红火箭分级阅读绘本pdf资源.docx
Unit 1 We’re going to have a picnic.教学设计.doc
Unit 5 Family and home Lesson 28 A Family Picnic 教案.docx
小学英语作文:一次野餐 A Picnic.doc
PEP小学英语Were having a picnic教案.doc

