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Rivision Time,Review the sentences that we have studied in Unit 1.,1,2,3,4,5,6,What are you going to do at the weekend? I/She/He/It/They am/is/are goi


1、Rivision Time,Review the sentences that we have studied in Unit 1.,1,2,3,4,5,6,What are you going to do at the weekend? I/She/He/It/They am/is/are going to,What are you looking forward to? 你正期待着什么?,注: 句中to 是介词 look forward to + 名词/动词-ing 期待某事/期待做某事,Free talk:,Unit2 Were going to cheer the players.,Module3 Making plans,Learning aims,1.To master the words and expressions. 2.To master the use of “be going to“structure. 3.To improve the reading and writing abilities.,Voca。

2、七年级英语下册 Module 3 Making plans Unit 2 Were going to cheer the players作业课件 新版外研 版新版外研级下册英语课件 七年级英语下册 Module 3 Making plans。

3、Unit 2Were going to cheer the players.,1.Im looking forward to the football match tomorrow.教材P16我期待着明天的足球比赛。 解读 look for。

4、Module 3Making plans 基础知识回顾 .根据首字母及汉语提示补全单词 1.Tom and Tony are players( 运动员 ) in the basketball team. 2.Lets lie on the beach( 海滩 ) to enjoy the sun. 3.My brother likes collecting( 收集 ) cards. 4.Dont 。

5、七年级英语下册 Module 3 Making plans Unit 2 Were going to cheer the players课件 新版外研版新版外研级下册英语课件,七年级英语下册 Module 3 Making plans Un。

6、Unit2,Were going to walk up the Great Wall.,What are you going to do at the weekend?,Im going to,Discuss: What are you looking forward to? *look forward to+n./v-ing 期待某事/期待做某事,Im looking forward to going to Beijing on May Day.,the Great Wall,Im looking forward to visiting the Great Wall with my parents.,Forbidden City,Im looking forward to visiting the Forbidden City.,Disneyland,Im looking forward to visiting Disneyland because I like Mickey Mouse.,San Francisco,Im looking forward to。

7、知识点四lookforwardto 教材原文Imlookingforwardtothefootballmatchtomorrow.我期待 着明天的足球赛。 lookforwardto意为“盼望;期待”,to为介词,其后要跟名词、代词或动 名词。例如: Theyarelookingforwardtoseeingthemovieagain.他们期待再次观看那 部电影。 例(2018天津武清区质量调查)。

8、外研 七年级 下册,Module 3,Making plans,Unit 2,Were going to cheer the players.,视频欣赏,Im/Shes/Hes going to ,1. To read and understand a simple passage 2. To get general ideas from the passage 3. To learn some key words and useful expressions 4. To make your own plans for your weekends or holidays,Objectives:,Words: fan, shirt, player, cheer, holiday, collect, litter, fun, camp, sightseeing, picnic, beach,Phrases: look forward to, make friends, enjoy oneself, take a walk, summer holiday, go sig。

9、汕乒 钡略 炽唤 洼境 口倡 闹捡 搐滁 堆根 蒲嘘 受缴 柒狡 羹裂 摔图 婿建 斥丁 迪孔 外研 版初 中英 语七 年级 下册 Mo du le 3 U ni t 2 We r e go in g to c he er t he p la ye rs 课 件外 研版 初中 英语 七年 级下 册M od ul e 3 Un it 2 W e re g oi ng t o ch ee r th e。

10、,What are you going to do at the weekendISheHeItThey amisare going to,swim,play table tennis,cook,Work in pairs. Look at。

11、Module 3 Making plans,Were going to cheer the players.,1. To read and understand a simple passage2. To get general ideas。

12、购揭 郁广 痛禁 其冰 烃晃 熊邮 护雁 吸稻 拯诡 虹赚 渤讨 曙牲 淄诚 每截 旷柜 惭砧 20 13 年秋 七年 级英 语下 册 Mo du le 3 M ak in g pl an s Un it 2 W e re g oi ng t o ch ee r th e pl ay er s. 课件 ( 新版 )外 研版 并弊 碌塌 鞍鳞 站嗡 框秃 虞掩 赊谅 默灿 葫霓 笑蔫 协镁 鱼师 店虏 线尤 啡疹 卫留 20 13 年秋 七年 级英 语下 册 Mo du le 3 M ak in g pl an s Un it 2 W e re g oi ng t o ch ee r th e pl ay er s. 课件 ( 新版 )外 研版 Review the sentences that we have studied in Unit 1. 臭君 蝎世 军络 堆眺 。

13、Module 3,Making plans,Unit 2,Were going to cheer the players.,Rivision Time,Review the sentences that we have studied in Unit 1.,Guessing Game,What are you going to do?,Im going to have a piano lesson.,What are you going to do?,1,2,3,4,5,6,Vocabulary,look forward to 期望,盼望,Im looking forward to the football match tomorrow.,watch our favourite team 观看我们最喜爱的队,My friends and I are going to watch our favourite team.,football fans 足球迷,We are going to meet other fans.,We are going to 。

外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 3《Unit 2 We’re going to cheer the players》课件.ppt
外研版初中英语七年级下册Module3-Unit2 We’re going to cheer the players课件.ppt
外研版初中英语七年级下册Module3-Unit2 We’re going to cheer the players课件2.ppt

