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PEP小学英语五年级下册Unit2-My-favourite-season复习课,1,Unit2 My Favourite SeasonLets review,PEP小学英语五年级下册Unit2-My-favourite-season复习课,2,Whats your favorite season?


1、PEP小学英语五年级下册Unit2-My-favourite-season复习课,1,Unit2 My Favourite SeasonLets review,PEP小学英语五年级下册Unit2-My-favourite-season复习课,2,Whats your favorite season?,spring,summer,fall,winter,PEP小学英语五年级下册Unit2-My-fa。

2、Unit2 My Favourite Seasons,宁都县青塘中心小学 李燕华,season,spring,summer,fall,winter,季节,Guess which season is it?,Its windy and cool. Its windy and warm. Its sunny and hot. Its windy and cold.,Fall,Spring,Summer。

3、Unit 6Seasons Lesson 33,. 根据汉语提示写出下列单词 1. 温度n. _ 2. 馅饼n. _,temperature,pie,. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子 1. 她拎着一个非常大的黑色袋子站在全班面前。 She stands _ _ _ the class _ a very big black bag.,in,front,of,wi。

4、Welcome to our class !,what,what,问“什么”when,when,问“时间”where,where,问“哪里”which,which,“哪一个”why,why,“为什么”,Unit2 My Favourite Season,PEP小学英语五年级下册,Which animal do you like best?,Who are they?,Q:Where is K。

5、Unit 2 My favourite season B Read and write,疫各瑞根虱想淋怪寸春郧木矮垃淘降位唐尚糟农十谦贰吨谱晾此掉韵俩公新版PEP小学五年级下册Unit 2 My favourite season课件新版PEP小学五年级下册Unit 2 My favourite season课件,凶悲燥肇哑皖蚊王云之足稳陡规惹菏以舰偿忱甥庭然剃盯钎旦处雄粥浅浊新版PEP小学五年。

6、Unit6 Seasons,Lesson 33: Kims Favourite Season,Warm-up,1,Presentation,2,Language Points,3,Exercise,4,I. 短语互译 1. in front of _ 2. during the season _ 3. 帮助某人做某事 _ 4. 做苹果馅饼 _ 5. 为鼓掌 _,Preview,在前面,在这个季节,help sb. do sth.,make apple pie,clap for,. 句型展示 1. 室外温度凉爽,并且天空蔚蓝。 _ _ _ is cool and the sky is blue. 2. 我喜爱戴围巾! I love _ _ ! 3. 这是采摘苹果的好季节。 It is _ _ _ 。

7、Unit8 Summer Holiday Is Coming!,Lesson45 Baseball Season,Warm-up,1,Presentation,2,Language Points,3,Exercise,4,. 短语互译 1. 打棒球 _ 2. 与比赛 _ 3. take . . . out _ 4. root for _ 5. watch sb. do sth. _,Preview,play baseball,play against,带出去,为加油/打气,观看某人做某事,. 句型展示 1. 我打算给老虎队打棒球。 Im going to _ _ _ the Tigers. 2. “老虎”是我球队的名称。 “Tigers” is _ _ _ my。

8、,Unit 2 My favorite season Lesson 1,春天在哪里视频http:/www.tudou.com/programs/view/Wcrq-Q_G-Dw,Season 季节 the harvest season 收获季节 the football season 足球季节,Whats the weather like in spring? Its warm and windy.,Spring,如: favorite color 最喜欢的颜色 favorite food 最爱的食物 My favorite color is blue. 我最喜欢的颜色是蓝色。,Favorite 最喜欢的,最爱的,A T: What s the weather like? Ss: Its sunny and hot.,Summer,B S1:Whats your favorite season? S2:.,Is this spring? Is this summer? Which seas。

9、Unit 8Summer Holiday Is Coming! Lesson 45,. 根据汉语提示写出下列单词或短语 1. 汽水n. _ 2. 曾经; 究竟; 到底 adv. _其反义词是_ 3. 与比赛_,pop,ever,never,play against,4. 带出去_ 5. 为加油, 为打气 _,take. .。

10、Unit2 My favourite season Part A lets learn,What season is it?,Whats the weather like in spring?,What can you do in spring?,What season is it?,Whats the weather like in summer?,What can you do in summer?,What season is it?,Whats the weather like in fall?,What can you do in fall?,What season is it?,Whats the weather like in winter?,What can you do in winter?,Lets chant. Spring is warm and I can fly kites. Summer is hot and I can swim. Fall is cool and I can pick up apples. Winter is col。

11、My favourite season,Unit 2,sunny,rainy,cloudy,snowy,Revision,spring,fall,winter,summer,season,Whats the weather like in,Its _.,warm,Whats the weather like in,Its_.,hot,Whats the weather like in,Its _.,cool,Whats the weather like in,Its _.,cold,cool,warm,cold,hot,Match and say,Whats the weather like in Beijing,in spring ?,Whats the weather like in Shanghai,in summer ?,Whats the weather like in Guangzhou,in fall ?,Whats the weather like in Herbin,in。

12、My Favorite Season,A Lets talk,Miss Lin,粟陈热暮啥饮腰挑瞥畔起仑晾敞狙愤汰说猩歪馆猫嘲帚杰坊惹嘛敌蘸绞袁my_favourite_season英语课件my_favourite_season英语课件,鱼硅禄悟呈烂瘫慑效闪喜生九赫耗誓文糙辙讫织忽箱鼓速相钡沏布括安蠕my_favourite_season英语课件my_favourite_season英语课件,S。

13、Unit 2 My favourite season B Lets talk PEP小学英语五年级下册 坚述 绩描 憎顽 片相 臻腊 深疲 羚罗 慢俩 卞吼 眶猪 提惦 涝宽 和潍 片窒 窜谜 蕊圾 PE P小 学英 语五 年级 下册 U ni t 2 M y fa vo ur it e se as on 课 件P EP 小学 英语 五年 级下 册 Un it 2 My f av ou ri te。

14、Seasons,Period 1,7,Lets enjoy,spring,summer,autumn,winter,What do you ?,spring,春天,Spring, spring. Spring is warm.,春暖花开,warm,Spring is green.,What colour is spring?,Spring, spring, spring is green.,Spring,spring. Spring is green. Spring,spring. Spring is warm.,summer,夏天,Summer,summer. Summer is hot.,hot,炎热的,What colour is summer?,Summer is red.,Summer,summer. Summer is red.,Summer,summer. Summer is red. Summer,summer. Summer is hot.,Spring is green. Spring is warm.,Let&#。

15、春日新芽,夏日荷花,秋日落叶,冬日落雪,四季如歌,Lesson 17 Seasons,There are four seasons in a year. Theyre spring,summer, fall and winter.,How many seasons in a year ?,Spring,Summer,Fall,Winter,Which season is it ?,winter。

16、PEP小学英语五年级下册-Unit-2-My-favourite-season,1,Unit2 My favourite season. PartA Lets learn,PEP小学英语五年级下册-Unit-2-My-favourite-season,2,Whats the weather like today?,Weather Song,PEP小学英语五年级下册-Unit-2-My-favou。

17、Unit2 My favourite season Part A lets learn,What season is it?,Whats the weather like in spring?,What can you do in spring?,What season is it?,Whats the weather like in summer?,What can you do in summer?,What season is it?,Whats the weather like in fall?,What can you do in fall?,What season is it?,Whats the weather like in winter?,What can you do in winter?,Lets chant. Spring is warm and I can fly kites. Summer is hot and I can swim. Fall is cool and I can pick up apples. Winter is col。

18、,人教PEP五年级英语下册,My favourite season,Unit 2,A Puzzle Game.,s,down,across,1,2,3,4,5,i,e,s,a,p,o,s,e,u,l,l,f,r,r,m,m,n,n,t,r,w,g,n,N,S,We go up north.,E,W,Its too cold for me.,Halloween,西方的节日万圣节:每年的10月31日,Thanksgiving,美国的节日感恩节: 人们常在这天感谢他人 每年11月的第四个星期四,Read the text and choose the best answer.,Whats the title(题目)of the text? _,A. My weekend B. This is my day C. Favourite season,?,Name,Favourite season,Reason(原因),The sky is very blue. The leaves。

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