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M6 U1,These snakes are short.,These pigs are fat.,The pig is thin.,These giraffes are tall.,The boy is short.,The elephant is big.,The elephant is sma


1、M6 U1,These snakes are short.,These pigs are fat.,The pig is thin.,These giraffes are tall.,The boy is short.,The elephant is big.,The elephant is small.,The snake is long.,The snake is short.,These boys are fat.,The girl is thin.,These pencils are long.,These pencils are short.,The tiger is big.,The cat is small.,The bear is big.,The monkeys are small.,。

2、Book2 Module5 Unit1,Theyre cows.,Lets sing and act.,farm,Lets play a game.Listen and guess.,Its a cat.,miaow,Lets play a game.Listen and guess.,Its a dog.,woof,a dog,dogs,Listen and guess:,What is this ?,Its a _.,pig,a pig,pigs,Listen and guess:,What is this ?,It is a _.,cow,cow,cows,Listen and guess:,What is this ?,It is a _.,duck,a duck,ducks,Listen and guess:,What is this ?,It is a _.,chicken,a chicken,chickens,an egg,eggs,Whatre they? Theyre _.,。

3、Module 6,Unit 1,These snakes are short.,zoo,Lets go to the zoo.,What are they?,Theyre tigers.,a tiger,tigers,an elephant,elephants,a snake,snakes,a giraffe,giraffes,big The tiger is big.,比一比,small The tiger is small.,比一比,long The snake is long.,short The snake is short.,tall,short,The giraffe is tall.,The giraffe is short.,short,long,These snakes are long.,These snakes are short.,The tigers are big.,These tigers are small.,These _are _.,These _are _.,。

4、 第2册,Module 5 Unit 1,Theyre cows.,cat,S,dog,S,bird,S,Dogs, dogs, 汪汪汪; Cats, cats, 喵喵喵; Birds, birds, 喳喳喳; Ducks, ducks, 嘎嘎嘎。,Lets chant:,farm,a nose,a pig,s,pig,a face,a cow,cow,s,ducks,legs,a chicken,What are they?,They are _.,chickens,one egg,What are they?,They are _.,eggs,What are they?,Can you remember?,1,5,3,6,2,4,拯救美亚公主,勇敢的小朋友们,我们美丽的可爱的美亚小公主正被恶毒的魔王困在阴森的城堡万神殿里,希望聪明,机智, 勇敢,有爱心的你帮帮她吧!时间紧迫,赶快行动吧!,黄金宫,。

5、This is my head.,Module 4 Unit 1,Lets chant.,teacher ,teacher ABC,预 习,展 示,互 动,生 成,谈谈收获,学习目标,达 标,拓 展,课前五分钟,ear,mouth,head,nose,eye,face,过目不忘,请你记住每个数字代表什么单词,比比谁最棒!,3,2,5,6,预 习,展示,互 动,生 成,谈谈收获,学习目标,达标,拓 展,课前五分钟,1,4,Listen and answer.听一听,答一答,小熊猫学会了哪些身体部位?,head nose mouth eye ear face body,预 习,展 示,互 动,生 成,谈谈收获,学习目标,达 标,拓 展,课前五分钟,请你模仿小熊猫,读读课文吧。,Listen and repeat.,预 习,。

6、Unit 2 Its thin,fat 胖的,thin 瘦的,拓展:very fat 非常胖,small 小的 little 小的,big 大的,Look at the black cat. 看这只黑色的猫。 Its very fat. 它非常胖。 Look at the pink pig. 看这只粉红色的猪。 Its very big. 它非常大。,Look at the father pig. 看这只猪爸爸。 Its fat. 它胖胖的。 And that is the mother. 那个是猪妈妈。 Its thin. 它瘦瘦的。,Look ! Six baby pigs. 六只小猪宝宝。 Five are little. And one is big. 五只是小小的,一只最大。 Two are black and four are pink. 两只是黑色和四只是粉红色。,。

7、Module 4 Unit 1,This is my head.,Lets chant!,Touch your nose. Touch your mouth. Touch your eyes and ears. Touch your face. Touch your head. Touch your eyes and ears.,火眼金睛,head,face,ear,mouth,nose,eye,my,your,比一比,My head,摇一摇 My face,笑一笑 My mouth,说一说 My ear,听一听 My eye,看一看 My nose, 闻一闻,我说My:,你说Your:,Your head,your head,摇一摇 Your face,your face,笑一笑 Your mouth,your mouth,说一说 Your ear, your ear,听一听 Your eye, your eye,看一看 Your nose, your nose, 闻一闻,Group-wor。

8、Module 4 Unit 1 This is my head.,外研版(一起)一年级英语下册课件,nose,ear,s,face,head,eye,s,mouth,Nose nose this is my nose. Face face this is my face. Head head this is my head. Mouth mouth this is my mouth. Ear ear this is my ear. Ears ears these are my ears. Eye eye this is my eye. Eyes eyes these are my eyes.,Lets chant.,head,ear,s,face,mouth,nose,hand,s,eye,s,leg,s,This is my/your_.,Lets play a game.,Thank you for listening.,。

9、,thin,fat,big,little,Fat, fat, its fat.,Little, little, its little.,Thin, thin, its thin.,Big, big, its big.,看图快说,Describe the animals.,Homework(家庭作业): Listen to the recorder and read after it(跟磁带朗读课文). Describe the animals and objects around you in English(用英语描述周围的动物和物体).,GOODBYE!,。

10、Module6 unit1,These snakes are short.,外研社英语(一起点)下册,Guess!,Guess!,The red snake is long.,The green snake is short.,The elephant is big.,The cat is small.,The giraffe is tall.,The cat is small.,There is a place, there are many animals . Do you know where is it? 有一个地方,那里有许多动物,你知道是在哪吗?,zoo,Who is she?,Today Lingling and Amy will go to the zoo,what animals do they see? 今天Lingling和Amy 打算去动物园玩,你知道她们将看到什么动物吗?,Imagine,Do you know some words of an。

11、,Its thin.,Module 5 Unit 2,thin,fat,baby,幼崽,big,little,pink,monkey,fat,thin,monkeys,big,little,It is fat. Its black and white. It has a short tail. It can climb. It cant jump.,What is it?,Its fat.,Guess!,It is a panda.,It is little. It has 2 little eyes. It can run fast. It cant fly.,What is it?,Its little.,Guess!,It is a mouse.,What is it?,It is big. It has big ears. It has a long nose. It can run. It cant climb.,Its big.,Guess!,It is an elephant.,What is it?,It is thin. It has。

12、Unit 1 These snakes are short.,Lets sing a chant,The is big. The cat is small. The pig is fat. The duck is thin.,The elephant is very big.,1,Useful expression,Whats this?,Its a chicken.,What are they?,Theyre chickens.,Useful expression,Whats this?,Its a snake.,What are they?,Theyre snakes.,Useful expression,What are they?,Theyre giraffes.,What are they?,Theyre elephants.,Oral practice: -what are they? - Theyre .,Useful expression,What are they?,Theyre sna。

13、Module 5 Unit 1,Theyre cows.,birds,cats,dogs,ducks,farm,cows,chickens,eggs,What are they?,Theyre pigs.,What are they?,Theyre ducks.,What are they?,Theyre cows.,What are they?,Theyre chickens.,What are they?,Theyre eggs.,A Guessing Game!,They re cows.,Theyre pigs.,Theyre chickens.,Theyre dogs.,Listen and tick. (),( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),1),2),3),4),5),A.,B.,A.,B.,A.,B.,A.,B.,A.,B.,Theyre chickens.,Theyre pigs.,Theyre eggs.。

14、,Module4 Unit2 These are your legs.,外研版(一起)一年级英语下册课件,eyes,nose,ears,mouth,face,head,body,head,Whats missing?,eye,mouth,ear,leg,hand,ear,s,Whats this ?,This is ear.,What are these?,These are ears.,eye,s,Whats this ?,This is eye.,What are these?,These are eyes.,leg,s,Whats this ?,This is leg.,What are these?,These are legs.,How many legs?,spider,leg 腿,hand,s,This is my hand.,These are my hands.,leg,s,This is my leg.,These are my legs.,feet,foot,These are my feet.,What a。

15、Module 5 Unit 1,Theyre cows,Theyre cows.,Lets chant!,Can you guess?,Listen and guess.,What are they? They are ,Listen and sing!,Bye-bye,。

16、Module4 Unit1 This is my head.,My face.,My nose.,My ear.,My mouth.,My eye.,My head.,Lets chant.,Eye, eye , this is my eye. Eye , eye , this is your eye.,Nose, nose, this is my nose. Nose, nose, this is your nose.,Mouth, mouth, this is my mouth. Mouth, mouth, this is your mouth.,Lets listen and circle:,my your,Touch, touch, touch your _.,Lets play a game.,Story Time.,This is my _ .,ear,This is _ .,my ey。

17、Module6 Unit1,These snakes are short.,Lets go to the zoo!,Part 1 Do you remember the words?,tiger,tigers (many),snake,snakes (many),long,short(短的),elephant,elephants (many),big,small,giraffe,giraffes (many),tall,short (矮的),Part 2 Can you read the text?,Part 3 Lets go to the zoo!,Find and circle “long, short, tall, big”.,Part 4 Practise,They are . They are .,snakes,long,They are . They are .,Part 5 Homework,Read P32P34 after class.,Thank you! 。

18、Theyre cows.,新标准一起第二册,Module5 Unit1,cow,Its a _.,cows,They re _.,pig,Its a _.,pigs,Theyre _.,Lets look and listen.,What are they ?,pigs,cows,ducks,chickens,Lets listen , look and answer.,What are the animals on the farm?,Listen ,look and repeat.,Do the exercises:,1. Grandpa , Sam and Daming are _.,on the farm in the zoo,( ) ( ),2.On the farm , there are_ , _,_.,cows ducks chickens,( ) ( ) 。

19、Module4 Unit2 These are your legs.,eyes,nose,ears,mouth,face,head,body,head,Whats missing?,eye,mouth,ear,leg,hand,ear,s,Whats this ?,This is an ear.,What are these?,These are ears.,eye,s,Whats this ?,This is an eye.,What are these?,These are eyes.,leg,s,Whats this ?,This is a leg.,What are these?,These are legs.,How many legs?,spider,leg 腿,hand,s,This is my hand.,These are my hands.,leg,s,This is my leg.,These are my legs.,feet,foot,These are my feet.,What are these? T。

外研版(一起)一下Module 4《Unit 2 These are your legs》ppt课件2.ppt
外研版(一起)一下Module 5《Unit 1 They’re cows》ppt课件2.ppt
外研版(一起)一下Module 6《Unit 1 These snakes are short》ppt课件5.ppt
外研版(一起)一下Module 4《Unit 1 This is my head》ppt课件1.ppt
外研版(一起)一下Module 5《Unit 1 They’re cows》ppt课件6.ppt
外研版(一起)一下Module 4《Unit 2 These are your legs》ppt课件1.ppt
外研版(一起)一下Module 5《Unit 1 They’re cows》ppt课件5.ppt
外研版(一起)一下Module 6《Unit 1 These snakes are short》ppt课件2.ppt
外研版(一起)一下Module 5《Unit 2 It’s thin》ppt课件2.ppt
外研版(一起)一下Module 6《Unit 1 These snakes are short》ppt课件4.ppt
外研版(一起)一下Module 5《Unit 2 It’s thin》ppt课件3.ppt
外研版(一起)一下Module 5《Unit 1 They’re cows》ppt课件1.ppt
外研版(一起)一下Module 4《Unit 1 This is my head》ppt课件2.ppt
外研版(一起)一下Module 4《Unit 1 This is my head》ppt课件4.ppt
外研版(一起)一下Module 5《Unit 2 It’s thin》ppt课件1.ppt
外研版(一起)一下Module 4《Unit 1 This is my head》ppt课件3.ppt
外研版(一起)一下Module 5《Unit 1 They’re cows》ppt课件4.ppt
外研版(一起)一下Module 6《Unit 1 These snakes are short》ppt课件1.ppt
外研版(一起)一下Module 5《Unit 1 They’re cows》ppt课件3.ppt
外研版(一起)一下Module 6《Unit 1 These snakes are short》ppt课件3.ppt

