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新版PEP五年级下册Unit5 B let27s learn

Unit 5 My clothes,A Lets learn,red,green,blue,brown,white,black,purple,What colour do you like?,I like ,Wow! So beautiful clothes!,Lets learn,clothes,

新版PEP五年级下册Unit5 B let27s learnTag内容描述:

1、Unit 5 My clothes,A Lets learn,red,green,blue,brown,white,black,purple,What colour do you like?,I like ,Wow! So beautiful clothes!,Lets learn,clothes,衣 服,Coke,nose,kluz,hat,cap,帽子,绿色圃中小学教育网,a。

2、Unit 4 What can you do,B Lets learn,Lets chant边说边做Dance, dance, I can dance.Sing, sing, I can sing songs.Draw, draw, I c。

3、Unit 5 Whose dog is it ,Liulin Primary School Yang Ting,Part B Lets talk,What is he doing,He is .,eating,What is he doin。

4、PEP 五年级上册,Unit 5 There is a big bed,New words,正面,在前面,在旁边附近,在中间,在或向后面,在或向上面,Lets learn,in front of,beside,between,behind,。

5、 Unit3 What would you like B Lets learn bananas grean beans chicken chocolate beef sandwiches potatoesoranges fish fresh。

6、Unit 5 Whose dog is it ?,A Lets learn Look ,say and complete,表示“我”、“你”、“他”、“她”、“它”、 “我们”、“你们”、“他们”的词,叫做人称代词。 人称代词有人称、数和格的变化。,人称代词,I,me,we,us,you,you,you,you,he,him,they,them,she,her,he,it,人称代词的主格。

7、Unit One,Welcome Back to School,1,boy,男孩,girl,女孩,UK,Canada,China,USA,你知道它们分别是哪个国家的标志性建筑吗,Make introductions.,This is Mik。

8、 my my your your his hisherher our our their their Lets review Whose dogs are on the show? the first dog Mikes dog Whose dog is it? 谁的 Its his dog. The dog is his his=his dog 他的 Chen Jies dog hers=he。

9、Unit 5 Dinners ready,B lets learn,What would you like,OK. Five yuan, please.,Id like some vegetables, please.,MENU,10,2,。

10、Unit3 What would you like,B Lets learn,1,2,What would you like,Whats your favoutite food,I like fruits .Theyre fresh and。

11、Unit5 My clothesA.Lets learn,衣服,black,red,white,blue,green,yellow,brown,short,long,cute,pretty,beautiful,cool,cap,Lets r。

12、,Unit 5 Whose dog is it? A lets learn,人教版英语五年级下册,授课教师: Cherry,Free talk Whose schoolbag is this? Its_. Whose books are these? Theyre_. Is this pen yours? Yes/No,_. Are these storybooks Amys? 。

13、B Lets learn,Unit 1 Whats he like,sing a song Whos your teacher,Free talk,Whos your teacher Mr. Miss Mrs. Is heshe YesNo。

14、0,B Lets learn & Lets play,PEP五年级下册,Unit5 Whose dog is it?,Warm-up,Lets learn,Presentation,Fido is eating.,eating,The girl is eating breakfast.,The panda is eating bamboo.,0,Presentation,climbing,。

15、,谈一谈我们的老师们吧,Talk about your teachers.,Talk about Your teachers.讨论一下你们的老师们。,Can you talk with your partner你会用英语和同桌讨论下你的老师。

16、Unit 3 My school calendar,A Lets learn,Lets sing,Its Sunday.,Its in April.,When is Tombsweeping Day,shcool calendar 校历,W。

17、Unit5 Whose dog is it ?,B lets learn,T: What do you do ? S: I eat banana./ climb mountains/sleep/drink.,Free talk,play,+ing,playing,They are playing with each other.,sleep,+ing,sleeping,They are sl。

18、,Learning aims(学习目标),能听、说、读、写表示位置关系的5个方位介词。 2. 能灵活运用句型“Where is .?”和“Its”谈论物体的位置。 4. 能简单描述家具的摆设和位置。 5. 能够养成及时整理和有序摆放个人物品的习惯。,学习重难点 方位介词 between 的用法, practice,1. is, ball, where, the (?) _。

19、,my,my,your,your,his,his,her,her,our,our,their,their,Lets review,Welcome to the Dog Show,Welcome to the Dog Show,Whose d。

20、Unit 5 Whose dog is it Part B lets learn,新版PEP五年级下册英语,Oh Fido is eating.,Hi Im Fido.,What are they doing,They are eating。

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