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Lesson 16,A polite request 彬彬有礼的要求,traffic police,traffic lights,Traffic lights and street signs,traffic jam,ticket,罚单; 票,New words,park p:k v.停放(汽车)


1、Lesson 16,A polite request 彬彬有礼的要求,traffic police,traffic lights,Traffic lights and street signs,traffic jam,ticket,罚单; 票,New words,park p:k v.停放(汽车) traffic trfk n.交通 ticket tkt n.交通违规罚款单 note nt n.便条 area er n.地段 sign san n.指示牌 reminder rmand(r) n.提示 fail fel v.无视,忘记 obey be v.服从,park 1) n. 公园 (public garden) the Central Park (纽约的)中央公园 2) v. 停车 stop and leave (a vehicle) in a place for a time eg. You cant park。

2、Hello ! Everyone ! Nice to come back again ! NCE 2,Lesson 3 Please send me a card. 请给我寄一张明信片。,Come to the new lesson !,send v.寄,送,派遣,打发 (sent,sent) send sb sth 寄给某人某物 send sth to sb send me a postcard 寄给我一张明信片 send a postcard to me e.g. I sent a present to my mother on Mothers day. 母亲节我送给我妈妈一份礼物。 send sth/sb 寄东西/派遣、打发某人 send a letter send a parcel send the children to bed 打发孩子去睡觉,send sb my love 代我向致意 Please send your sister my。

3、Lesson 19,Sold out 票已售完,【New words and expressions】,hurry hr v. 匆忙 ticket office 售票处 pity pt n. 令人遗憾的事 exclaim ksklem v. 大声说 return rt:n v. 退回 sadly sdli adv. 悲哀地,丧气地,hurry hr v. I must hurry you. 咱们迟到了,我必须催你一下。,3) hasten the progress of sth 使某事加快;催促某事物 e.g. A good meal should never be hurried. 4) hurry up move more quickly or too quickly; do sth more quickly 加快地或仓促地移动;快些做某事 e.g. I wish the train would hurry up and come. 我希。

4、The Greenwood Boys,Lesson 13,group ru:p pop singer all parts of the country club klb performance pf:mns as usual keep order occasion ken,n. 小组,团体 流行歌手 全国各地 n. 俱乐部 n. 演出 和往常一样 维持秩序 n. 场合,group 1)n. 群,组, 团体 a group of 表示一群或一个团体(强调整体用单数,强调整体中所有的看作复数) a group of people/girls/trees A group of little girls was(were) playing in the park.一群小女孩儿在公园里玩儿。 2)n.(公司联营)集团 a newspaper group 报业集团 the transportation group 交。

5、Lesson 17,Always young 青春常驻,【New words and expressions】 appear p(r) v.登场,扮演 stage sted n.舞台 bright brat adj.鲜艳的 stocking stk n.(女用)长筒袜 sock sk n.短袜,appear pi v. 1) come into view, become visible 出现,显现,呈现 appeardisppear eg. A ship appeared on the horizon. 一艘船出现在水平线上。 eg. Something strange appeared. 奇怪的事发生了。 2) arrive, come, show up, turn up 来到 eg. I waited for 4 hours but she didnt appear. 我等了四个小时,可她就是没来。,3) (公开,正式)露面,。

6、Lesson 47A thirsty ghost,Chinese and Western Ghost Culture,And there are many differences and similarities between Chine。


8、Lesson 1 A private conversation,锦鹿忆惮颁旦喀郸酬幽脏义潍忿氰擂贰肉续膛壶兑机眨宾陶竭洲辨溺盼鸥新概念二第课新概念二第课,private pravt adj.私人的 conversation knvsen n.谈话 theatre it n.剧场,戏院 seat si:t n.座位 play ple n.戏 loudly ladl adv.大。

9、Lesson 11 One good turn deserves another,【New words and expressions】,turn t:n n. 行为,举止 deserve dz:v v. 应得到,值得 lawyer l:j(r) n. 律师 bank bk n. 银行 salary slr n. 工资 immediately mi:ditli adv. 立刻,turn n. 行为, 举止,1) v.使转动,使变为,指向 2) n.翻转,变化,次序 turn on 打开 turn on the light 开灯 turn off 关闭 turn off the light 关灯 turn down 把音量开小 turn up turn over 翻身 turn round 转身 turn sb down 让某人失望 turn sth down 拒绝某事 turn my help down拒绝我的帮助 turn 。

10、L5 No wrong numbers,Discussion,How do you send messages to others (friends/parents)?,current bottle,New words,pigeon,n.鸽子,Its not my pigeon.,Its none of my business.,n. (口头或书面的)信息,information n.信息,消息。

11、ID:7740,by:小彤,1,Lesson 65 Not a baby,By 小彤,ID:7740,by:小彤,2,Listen to the tape then answer this question. Does Jill take the key to the front door?,ID:7740,by:小彤,3,FATHER: What are you going to do this evening, Jill? JILL: Im going to meet some friends, Dad. FATHER: You mustnt come home late. You must be home at half past ten. JILL: I cant get home so early, Dad! Can I have the key to the front door please? FATHER: No, you cant. MOTHER: Jills eighteen years old。

12、Lesson 5 Nice to meet you! 很高兴见到你,Welcome to todays class Class given by GOGO!,Vocabulary,1. Mr. mstr 同 sir abbr. Mister 先生 例句:“Mr“ is the abbreviation of “Mister“. Mrs. misiz 同 madam 太太;夫人 例句:hello, Mrs. Black! how are you, this morning? MISS mis 未婚女性,小姐;错过; 思念。 例句: We call her Miss White, because she is still single. Ms miz 对女性无法判断是否已婚的一种称呼。(妇女运动产生的称谓) 由Miss 与 Mrs 结合而成 例句:Some newspapers, most famously the New York 。

13、新概念二,Lesson 25 Do the English speak English?,Railway,n.铁路 表示道路的单词:highway, freeway,expressway, motorway highway:公路 motorway(BrE) = freeway(AmE) 高速公路(主要指城市与城市之间的),I arrived in London at last. The railway station was big, black and dark. I did not know the way to my hotel, so I asked a porter. I not only spoke English very carefully, but very clearly as well. The porter, however, could not understand me. I repeated my question several times and at last he understood.。


