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,Lesson 55 The sawyer family 索耶一家人,New words and expressions: live v. 住,生活 usually adv. 通常 stay v. 呆在,停留 together adv. 一起 home n. 家;adv. 在家,到家 evening


1、,Lesson 55 The sawyer family 索耶一家人,New words and expressions: live v. 住,生活 usually adv. 通常 stay v. 呆在,停留 together adv. 一起 home n. 家;adv. 在家,到家 evening n. 晚上 housework n. 家务 arrive v. 到。

2、Lesson 55 Not a gold mine,【New words and expressions】生词和短语 gold n. 金子 platinum n. 白金, 铂 sth. be made of gold 由金子做成的 gold watch;gold ring golden adj. 金色的, 宝贵的 golden sun 金色的太阳 Silence is golden. 沉默是金 g。

3、1,Lesson 55 Not a gold mine,2,gold n. 金子 gold watch/ring golden adj. 金色的, 宝贵的 Silence is golden. golden opportunity 宝贵的机会 mine (1) 我的 eg. He is a friend of mine . (2) 矿 coal mine;gold-mine a mine w。

4、New Concept English 1,Lesson ,Which book?,By Yooann,2019/5/1,Review 1,hard-working employee sales reps assistant employer office trainee trainer interviewer interviewee mother-in-law rainbow greenhouse,2019/5/1,2019/5/1,Review 2,employee keyboard operator officer assistant sales reps teacher housewife cook doctor nurse waiter 。

5、1,Lesson 55 Not a gold mine,2,【New words and expressions】生词和短语 gold n. 金子 platinum n. 白金, 铂 sth. be made of gold 由金子做成的 gold watch;gold ring golden adj. 金色的, 宝贵的 golden sun 金色的太阳 Silence is golden. 沉默。

6、1,Lesson 55 Not a gold mine,2,gold n. 金子 gold watchring golden adj. 金色的, 宝贵的 Silence is golden. golden opportunity 宝贵的机会。

7、,momMrs. Sawyer,dadMr. Sawyer,children,Who,姓:Sawyer,Lesson55 The Sawyer family 索耶一家,Listen and answer,1Where do they liv。

8、1,Lesson 55 The Sawyer family,2,live liv v. 住,生活,NEW WORDS,stay stei v.呆在,停留,home hum n. 家;adv. 在家,housework hausw:k n. 。

9、,Lesson 55 The Sawyer family,Answer these questions,Where are you from? How many people are there in your family? Who are they? How old is your father/mother ? What does your father/mo。

10、Lesson 55 The sawyer family 索耶一家人,live v. 住,生活 stay v. 呆在,停留 home n. 家;adv. 在家,到家 housework n. 家务 lunch n. 午饭 afternoon n. 下午,usually adv. 通常 together adv. 一起 evening n. 晚上 arrive v. 到达 ni。

11、从乾咨撞衣羽椰景婉锭啤秧疗伶尝尾惫孔悉撕宿镁纤只孪黔蹄惊碎俗肮达新概念第一册 第55课.ppt新概念第一册 第55课.ppt,茹县碗库遏亏囊饼帘贺鳞昧曰英惊荷呸抬拭培歹猪忌票外碉紫例顾怂月溅新概念第一册 第55课.ppt新概念第一册 第55课.ppt,生矿喧建韶乱兽巴蹄晦稚立逛殉拴午砌访测娟晶钙搀阶链痛翅吵拿瑟串坑新概念第一册 第55课.ppt新概念第一册 第55课.ppt,袖足罗愧鞠剪袱置抗瓮菊。

12、NEW CONCEPT ENGLISH,55,Not a gold mine,New words and expressions TextKey structures and special difficultiesExercises,Ne。


14、,Lesson 55Not a gold mine,in a short while,He is a thief. That means he has fingers.Its a piece of cake. That means its 。

15、NEW CONCEPT ENGLISH,55,Not a gold mine,leozhang,New words and expressions Text Key structures and special difficulties Exercises,New words and expressions,gold n. 金子 sth. be made of gold 由金子做成的 gold w。

16、新概念英语第一册Lesson55 The Sawyer family,Lets learn the new words:,live 住、 生活,live in 住在(国家或城市) live at 住在(有确切地址的小地方),I live 58 Shengli Road. He lives _ England.,at,in,stay 呆在、停留,stay at home 呆在家,stay in bed 呆在床上,stay with sb. 和某人呆在一起,housework 家务,do the housework 做家务,together 一起,lunch 午饭,have / eat lunch 吃午饭,I often have / eat lunch at 12:30. He usually _ lunch at school.,has/ eats,afternoon 下午,in the afternoon 在下午,evening 晚上,in 。

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新概念第一册 第55课.ppt.ppt

