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New Concept English 1,Lesson 33,A fine day .,By Yooann,New Word,day de n. 日子 over v prep. 跨越,在.之上 cloud klad n. 云 bridge brd n. 桥 sky ska n. 天空 boat b


1、New Concept English 1,Lesson 33,A fine day .,By Yooann,New Word,day de n. 日子 over v prep. 跨越,在.之上 cloud klad n. 云 bridge brd n. 桥 sky ska n. 天空 boat bt n. 船 sun sn n. 太阳 river rv n. 河流,New Word,shine an v. 照耀 ship p n. 船 with w prep. 和.在一起 aeroplane erplen n. 飞机 family fml n. 家庭 fly f。

2、New Concept English 1,Lesson 37,Making a bookcase!,By Yooann,New Word,work wk v. 工作 hammer hm n. 锤子 hard hd adv. 努力地 paint pent v. 上漆,涂 make mek v. 做 pink pk n&adj. 粉红 bookcase bkkes n. 书柜 favourite fev()rt adj. 最喜爱的,2019/8/6,1,Word Power,1.work可作名词可作动词.有多重意思. a.作名词,表示“著作,作品”.此时必须用其复数形式. eg:He wrote a lot of works last century. b.作名词,表示“建筑工程,公共工程”.必须用复数形式. eg:There are lots of works under c。

3、New Concept English 1,By Yooann,Lesson 29,Come in,Amy!,New Word,shut t v. 关闭 put pt v. 放置 bedroom bedrum n. 寝室 clothes kl()z n. 衣服 untiny ntan adj. 不整洁的 wardrobe wdrb n. 衣柜 must mst m v. 必须 dust dst n. 灰尘 open p()n v. 打开 sweep swip v. 扫 air e n. 空气,Word Power,1。

4、Lesson 5 Nice to meet you! 很高兴见到你,Welcome to todays class Class given by GOGO!,Vocabulary,1. Mr. mstr 同 sir abbr. Mister 先生 例句:“Mr“ is the abbreviation of “Mister“. Mrs. misiz 同 madam 太太;夫人 例句:hello, Mrs. Black! how are you, this morning? MISS mis 未婚女性,小姐;错过; 思念。 例句: We call her Miss White, because she is still single. Ms miz 对女性无法判断是否已婚的一种称呼。(妇女运动产生的称谓) 由Miss 与 Mrs 结合而成 例句:Some newspapers, most famously the New York 。

5、新概念英语第一册Lesson55 The Sawyer family,Lets learn the new words:,live 住、 生活,live in 住在(国家或城市) live at 住在(有确切地址的小地方),I live 58 Shengli Road. He lives _ England.,at,in,stay 呆在、停留,stay at home 呆在家,stay in bed 呆在床上,stay with sb. 和某人呆在一起,housework 家务,do the housework 做家务,together 一起,lunch 午饭,have / eat lunch 吃午饭,I often have / eat lunch at 12:30. He usually _ lunch at school.,has/ eats,afternoon 下午,in the afternoon 在下午,evening 晚上,in 。

6、New Concept English(Book 1),-ANDY,Lesson 19 Tired and thirty,MOTHER: Whats the matter, children? GIRL: Were tired BOY: and thirsty, Mum. MOTHER: Sit down here. MOTHER: Are you all right now? BOY: No, we arent. MOTHER: Look! Theres an ice cream man. MOTHER: Two ice creams please. MOTHER: Here you are, children. CHILDREN: Thanks, Mum. GIRL: These ice creams are nice. MOTHER: Are you all right now? CHILDREN: Yes, we are, thank you!,Lesson 19 Tired and thir。

7、New Concept English 1,Is that all?,Lesson 59,By Yooann,New Word,envelope envlp n. 信封 pad pd n. 便笺簿 writing paper n. 信纸 glue glu n. 胶水 shop assistant n. 店员 chalk tk n. 粉笔 size saz n. 大小,尺寸 change ten(d) n. 改变,零钱,Word Power,1.size 表示“大小,尺寸”,在一定的语境下也可翻译为面积. eg:- Whats the size of garden? - 50 square metres. 提问面积的时候用疑问词“what”.,2.change作名词是有两个常用意思. a.“变化,改变”,可数名词. eg: If there is a 。

8、New Concept English 1,Lesson 17 How do you do ?,By Yooann,内铣礁肆烩逗萧漂咖郝炬吃就效展譬毋攀园哪洒旧铀闺茄庙宴瞄欧洋鳞愧新概念一第7课Christmas PowerPoint Template,9/11/2020,Review 1,customs custom customer passport pass port office。

9、 Lesson 65 Not a baby By 小彤 截 执 三 逆 讯 尖 机 际 个 牛 顺 赂 塌 拙 虾 络 牢 突 盏 峭 唾 踊 贸 囱 墨 务 诚 画 粹 霓 安 种 新 概 念 一 第 5 课 新 概 念 一 第 5 课 1by:小彤 Listentothetapethenanswerthisquestion. DoesJilltakethekeytothefrontdoor。

10、,How ma1ny seaso4ns can you3 see ?,How ma1ny mo4nths can you3 see?,May,Wha5ts the da2te today?,How many days can you see?,Whats the weather like today ? (How is the weather ? ),windy,rainy1,thu1n-d。

11、New Concept English 1,Lesson ,Which book?,By Yooann,2019/5/1,Review 1,hard-working employee sales reps assistant employer office trainee trainer interviewer interviewee mother-in-law rainbow greenhouse,2019/5/1,2019/5/1,Review 2,employee keyboard operator officer assistant sales reps teacher housewife cook doctor nurse waiter 。

12、Lesson 16,A polite request 彬彬有礼的要求,traffic police,traffic lights,Traffic lights and street signs,traffic jam,ticket,罚单; 票,New words,park p:k v.停放(汽车) traffic trfk n.交通 ticket tkt n.交通违规罚款单 note nt n.便条 area er n.地段 sign san n.指示牌 reminder rmand(r) n.提示 fail fel v.无视,忘记 obey be v.服从,park 1) n. 公园 (public garden) the Central Park (纽约的)中央公园 2) v. 停车 stop and leave (a vehicle) in a place for a time eg. You cant park。

13、New Concept English 1,Lesson 61,A bad cold,By Yooann,2,Review,时间 7 : 57 14 : 30 9 : 45 11 : 06 19 : 15 8 : 00 年份 1996 2010 1800 1909 2014 1898,3,New Word,feel fil v. 感觉 remember rmemb v. 记住 look lk v. 看(起来) mouth ma n. 嘴巴 must mst m v. 必须 tongue t n. 舌头 call kl v. 叫,请 bad b。


