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New Concept English(Book 1 ) -ANDY 苞 侠 频 旬 衫 斥 涕 滥 负 褐 堵 瘴 搜 裁 副 嘎 颊 泽 翅 萧 摊 怕 茎 炒 曳 人 墨 晦 凹 胜 短 运 新 概 念 一 第 9 课 新 概 念 一 第 9 课 Lesson 19 Tired and thi


1、New Concept English(Book 1 ) -ANDY 苞 侠 频 旬 衫 斥 涕 滥 负 褐 堵 瘴 搜 裁 副 嘎 颊 泽 翅 萧 摊 怕 茎 炒 曳 人 墨 晦 凹 胜 短 运 新 概 念 一 第 9 课 新 概 念 一 第 9 课 Lesson 19 Tired and thirty MOTHER:Whatsthematter,children? GIRL:Wer。

2、New Concept English 1,By Yooann,Lesson 29,Come in,Amy!,畔鄂汞耸师筑媚皖漆磊辣糟先餐乎野铝艰罗箭赐酞渠态沏娜炎奥扑错炒烽新概念一第29课新概念一第29课,New Word,shut t v. 关闭 put pt v. 放置 bedroom bedrum n. 寝室 clothes kl()z n. 衣服 untiny。

3、New Concept English 1,Is that all?,Lesson 59,By Yooann,似戚麦悟辽瓜期纵等瞬蒲邹扁踏抛辜作驯色苞险卉蛤织友怀逆共荔辱躲金新概念一第59课Brochure PowerPoint Template,New Word,envelope envlp n. 信封 pad pd n. 便笺簿 writing paper n. 信纸 glue gl。

4、New Concept English 1,Lesson 61,A bad cold,By Yooann,馏僚潦惫虎猖录官奶零伐幻魏锅研孝折嫉奥倦裕限娶阿翟摘书菲千劝釜离新概念一第6课新概念一第6课,2,Review,时间 7 : 57 14 : 30 9 : 45 11 : 06 19 : 15 8 : 00 年份 1996 2010 1800 1909 201。

5、 Lesson 65 Not a baby By 小彤 截 执 三 逆 讯 尖 机 际 个 牛 顺 赂 塌 拙 虾 络 牢 突 盏 峭 唾 踊 贸 囱 墨 务 诚 画 粹 霓 安 种 新 概 念 一 第 5 课 新 概 念 一 第 5 课 1by:小彤 Listentothetapethenanswerthisquestion. DoesJilltakethekeytothefrontdoor。

6、新概念英语第一册Lesson55 The Sawyer family,聂贯买户坞率读嘶榴嘉囚凸辙初寺板暖讳悲垢骄咐屏价像拖拂佰迭皖夏厩新概念一第55课新概念一第55课,Lets learn the new words:,live 住、 生活,live in 住在(国家或城市) live at 住在(有确切地址的小地方),I live 58 Shengli Road. He lives _。

7、,How ma1ny seaso4ns can you3 see ?,How ma1ny mo4nths can you3 see?,May,Wha5ts the da2te today?,How many days can you see?,Whats the weather like today ? (How is the weather ? ),windy,rainy1,thu1n-d。

8、,Unit 7 Mutilated Ladies,Listen to the tape then answer the question below. Why did Jane cook Johns wallet,PASSAGE,Has i。

9、yesterday,tomorrow,today,this afternoon,the day after tomorrow,the day before yesterday,last night,tomorrow morning,this morning,yesterday afternoon,Lesson 7,Too late,New words and expressions 生词和短语。

10、New Concept English 1,Lesson ,Which book?,By Yooann,2019/5/1,Review 1,hard-working employee sales reps assistant employer office trainee trainer interviewer interviewee mother-in-law rainbow greenhouse,2019/5/1,2019/5/1,Review 2,employee keyboard operator officer assistant sales reps teacher housewife cook doctor nurse waiter 。

11、Lesson 17,Always young 青春常驻,【New words and expressions】 appear p(r) v.登场,扮演 stage sted n.舞台 bright brat adj.鲜艳的 stocking stk n.(女用)长筒袜 sock sk n.短袜,appear pi v. 1) come into view, become visible 出现,显现,呈现 appeardisppear eg. A ship appeared on the horizon. 一艘船出现在水平线上。 eg. Something strange appeared. 奇怪的事发生了。 2) arrive, come, show up, turn up 来到 eg. I waited for 4 hours but she didnt appear. 我等了四个小时,可她就是没来。,3) (公开,正式)露面,。

12、New Concept English 1,Lesson 17 How do you do ?,By Yooann,2019/5/1,Review 1,customs custom customer passport pass port officer office friend brown blue purple grey tourist tour tourism Danish Danmark Norway Norwegian Britain British Italy Italian,2019/5/1,Review 2,tomato potato photo scarf handkerchief scarf dictionary knife chief wife roof zoo。

13、Welcome to YY chanel 7740,lesson 7 Are you a teacher? 你是老师吗? class given by GO GO,Thank you for coming here!,Simple present 一般现在式,FORM VERB + s/es in third person USE 1 Repeated Actions Use the Simple Present to express the idea that an action is repeated or usual. The action can be a habit, a hobby, a daily event, a scheduled event or something that often happens. It can also be something a person often forgets or usually does not do. Examples: I play tennis. She does not play tenni。


