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New Concept English 1,Is that all?,Lesson 59,By Yooann,New Word,envelope envlp n. 信封 pad pd n. 便笺簿 writing paper n. 信纸 glue glu n. 胶水 shop assistant n


1、New Concept English 1,Is that all?,Lesson 59,By Yooann,New Word,envelope envlp n. 信封 pad pd n. 便笺簿 writing paper n. 信纸 glue glu n. 胶水 shop assistant n. 店员 chalk tk n. 粉笔 size saz n. 大小,尺寸 change ten(d) n. 改变,零钱,Word Power,1.size 表示“大小,尺寸”,在一定的语境下也可翻译为面积. eg:- Whats the size of garden? - 50 square metres. 提问面积的时候用疑问词“what”.,2.change作名词是有两个常用意思. a.“变化,改变”,可数名词. eg: If there is a 。

2、New Concept English 1,By Yooann,Lesson 29,Come in,Amy!,畔鄂汞耸师筑媚皖漆磊辣糟先餐乎野铝艰罗箭赐酞渠态沏娜炎奥扑错炒烽新概念一第29课新概念一第29课,New Word,shut t v. 关闭 put pt v. 放置 bedroom bedrum n. 寝室 clothes kl()z n. 衣服 untiny。

3、New Concept English 1,Lesson 17 How do you do ?,By Yooann,内铣礁肆烩逗萧漂咖郝炬吃就效展譬毋攀园哪洒旧铀闺茄庙宴瞄欧洋鳞愧新概念一第7课Christmas PowerPoint Template,9/11/2020,Review 1,customs custom customer passport pass port office。

4、New Concept English 1,Lesson 61,A bad cold,By Yooann,馏僚潦惫虎猖录官奶零伐幻魏锅研孝折嫉奥倦裕限娶阿翟摘书菲千劝釜离新概念一第6课新概念一第6课,2,Review,时间 7 : 57 14 : 30 9 : 45 11 : 06 19 : 15 8 : 00 年份 1996 2010 1800 1909 201。

5、 Lesson 65 Not a baby By 小彤 截 执 三 逆 讯 尖 机 际 个 牛 顺 赂 塌 拙 虾 络 牢 突 盏 峭 唾 踊 贸 囱 墨 务 诚 画 粹 霓 安 种 新 概 念 一 第 5 课 新 概 念 一 第 5 课 1by:小彤 Listentothetapethenanswerthisquestion. DoesJilltakethekeytothefrontdoor。

6、新概念英语第一册Lesson55 The Sawyer family,聂贯买户坞率读嘶榴嘉囚凸辙初寺板暖讳悲垢骄咐屏价像拖拂佰迭皖夏厩新概念一第55课新概念一第55课,Lets learn the new words:,live 住、 生活,live in 住在(国家或城市) live at 住在(有确切地址的小地方),I live 58 Shengli Road. He lives _。

7、,How ma1ny seaso4ns can you3 see ?,How ma1ny mo4nths can you3 see?,May,Wha5ts the da2te today?,How many days can you see?,Whats the weather like today ? (How is the weather ? ),windy,rainy1,thu1n-d。

8、Lesson 9 How are you today ?,New words and expressions,hello hl int.喂 hiha int.喂,嗨 howha adv. 怎样 today tde adv. 今天 wellwel adj. 身体好 finefan adj. 美好的 thanks ks int. 谢谢 goodbye gdba int.再见 see si v. 见 f。

9、New Concept English 1,Lesson ,Which book?,By Yooann,2019/5/1,Review 1,hard-working employee sales reps assistant employer office trainee trainer interviewer interviewee mother-in-law rainbow greenhouse,2019/5/1,2019/5/1,Review 2,employee keyboard operator officer assistant sales reps teacher housewife cook doctor nurse waiter 。


11、Lesson 19,Sold out 票已售完,【New words and expressions】,hurry hr v. 匆忙 ticket office 售票处 pity pt n. 令人遗憾的事 exclaim ksklem v. 大声说 return rt:n v. 退回 sadly sdli adv. 悲哀地,丧气地,hurry hr v. I must hurry you. 咱们迟到了,我必须催你一下。,3) hasten the progress of sth 使某事加快;催促某事物 e.g. A good meal should never be hurried. 4) hurry up move more quickly or too quickly; do sth more quickly 加快地或仓促地移动;快些做某事 e.g. I wish the train would hurry up and come. 我希。

12、New Concept English(Book 1),-ANDY,Lesson 19 Tired and thirty,MOTHER: Whats the matter, children? GIRL: Were tired BOY: and thirsty, Mum. MOTHER: Sit down here. MOTHER: Are you all right now? BOY: No, we arent. MOTHER: Look! Theres an ice cream man. MOTHER: Two ice creams please. MOTHER: Here you are, children. CHILDREN: Thanks, Mum. GIRL: These ice creams are nice. MOTHER: Are you all right now? CHILDREN: Yes, we are, thank you!,Lesson 19 Tired and thir。

13、Lesson 9,How are you today ?,Question问题:,How is Emma ?,She is very well.,生词:,how 怎样 well身体健康的,好的 fine好的 see见到,New words and expression词汇:,hello int. 喂(表示问候) hi int. 喂,嗨 how adv. 怎样,如何 How about that? 怎么会这样?那一个怎么样? How come?=Why? 为什么? How goes it? = How is it going? 事情进展如何?,New words and expression,fine adj. 美好的 健康的;舒适的 极好的,优秀的 a fine view 美好的景色 优雅的,雅致的 He is a man with fine manners. 他是一个举止优雅的男人。,。


