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新概念英语 6.1

Lesson 13 “Its only me”,I Warm up,Do you think these pictures are beautiful? Are they frightening? What kind of party may this be? (The fancy-dress pa

新概念英语 6.1Tag内容描述:

1、Lesson 13 “Its only me”,I Warm up,Do you think these pictures are beautiful? Are they frightening? What kind of party may this be? (The fancy-dress party.) What kind of festival may it be? (The Hallo。

2、Lesson 19 A very dear cat,Lesson 19 A very dear cat,臭美着呢!,跟 cat 有关跟俚语,It rains cats and dogs.,“瓢泼大雨”,copy cat,“盲目的模仿”,A cat in gloves catches no mice.,“带手套的猫捉不到耗子”,enough to make a cat speak,“令。

3、1 polo / pulu/ n.水球 2 Wayle / / n.威尔(河名) 3 cut / kt/ v.穿过 4 row / ru/ v.划(船) 5 kick / kik/ v.踢 6 towards / tw:dz/ prep.朝,向 7 nearly / nili/ ad.几乎 8 sight / sait/ n.眼界,视域,n.水球 n.威尔(河名) v.穿过 v.划(船) v.踢 。

4、Lesson 51,A Pleasant Climate,New Concept English,spring,summer,autumn (fall),winter,seasons,spring,summer,autumn,winter,hot,cold,warm,cool,sunny,cloudy,rainy,snowy,windy,foggy,weather,Teachers Day Womens Day Thanksgiving Day National Day Labors Day April Fools Day Christmas Day New Years Festival Childrens Day,September,March,November,October,May,April,December,January,June,Watch the cartoon and answer these questions:,1.Where and what d。

5、,Lesson 117 Tommys breakfast,New words and expressions,dining room 饭厅 coin n.硬币 mouth n.嘴 swallow v.吞下 later adv.后来 toilet n. 厕所,盥洗室,dining room 饭厅,餐室 dining table 餐桌 sitting room / living room 客厅 bedroom 卧室 kitchen 厨房 balcony 阳台 garden 花园,Coin 硬币 Note 纸币 Toss a coin 掷硬币(打赌正面或反面) Pay a person back 。

6、,Good morning,Free talk,Have you ever bought things by yourself?,What did you buy?,How did you bargain?,Everyday English - 用英语聊砍价,视频:秀水街老板娘狂飙英语砍价,震惊老外,Its too expensive. I cant afford it. 太贵了,我付不起。 2.。

7、,Lesson 75 SOS,Coco,What does SOS mean,Save Our Souls 救救我们Save Our Ships 救救我们的船Send Our Succour 速来援助,vocabulary,Thick1ad。

8、New Concept English 2,Lesson 28 No Parking,1.Jasper White is one of those rare people who believes in ancient myths. 这句话中,who believes in ancient myths是做one的定语从句。而who在who believes in ancient myths这个定。

9、Lesson 133 Sensational news!,单词学习,reporter n. 记者 sensationaladj. 爆炸性的,耸人听闻的 mink coatn. 貂皮大衣,reporter n.,-er 后缀,表示人,-or, -ess(女) , -ee,learner 学习者 teacher 教师 driver 司机 doctor 医生 artist 艺术家 dentist。

10、英语教材分析与设计第四章 教材评价新概念英语,随意的印象性教材评价 往往由一些有经验的教师凭借他们的直觉教材使用情况及教学经验对教材进行主观的,随意的,印象性的评价。 此种评价的缺点:直觉和经验都有很强的主观性,这样的评价结果可能出现偏差。 有系统的评价通常可以从两个出发点进行: 内部评价评价教材本身或内在的科学性, 合理性和有效性。 外部评价-评价教材对于某一使用对象群体或某个。

11、The latest report,What shall we do?,Lets review,Lets do,Lets learn,Lets practice,4,1,2,3,Lesson 135 &136,1. We have seen the film. They say.,They say ( that ) they have seen the film.,2. I have b。

12、Ask and Show the Way,Post office,Where is the post office?,Post office,on Bridge Street,Bank,beside the bank / next to the bank,on the left of the bank,Post office,Bank,Hotel,between the hotel and the。

13、A car crash,Lessons 87-88,Lesson 87 A car crashNew words and expressions:,attendant tendnt n. 接待员 bring bri v. 带来,送来 (brought, brought) br:t garage r:d n. 车库,汽车修理厂 crash kr n. 碰撞 lamp-post lmp-p。

14、新概念英语 ,answers,Lesson 1 1关键句型练习A,I (1) got (2) very angry (3) . I (1) could not hear (2) the actors (3) . I (1) turned round (2) . I (1) looked at (2) the man and the woman (3) angrily (4) . They (1) did not pay (2) any attention (3) . In the end (6), I (1) could not bear (2) it (3). I (1) turned round (2) again (6) . I (1) cant hear (2) a word (3)! I (1) said (2) angrily (4) . It (1) is (2) none of your business (3) , the young man (1) said (2) rudely (4) . This (1) is (2) a pr。

15、无错号之虞,Lesson 5 No wrong numbers,What does No Wrong Numbers mean,New words Expressions,Pigeon n. 鸽子 Its not my pigeon. No。

16、,Welcome,Lesson 6 Percy Buttons,佰拓外语 Andy,1.Please answer my questions.2.New words and expressions,3.Word Games 4.Read the text 5.Talk about it.,Answer!,1.What do you think of the beggars(乞丐)? 2.Wha。

【新概念英语 6.1】相关PPT文档
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