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单击此处编辑母版标题样式 单击此处编辑母版副标题样式 *1 Lesson 34 Quick Work Nice to meet you! Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. 抱最好希望,做最壞打算。 First come, first serv


1、单击此处编辑母版标题样式 单击此处编辑母版副标题样式 *1 Lesson 34 Quick Work Nice to meet you! Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. 抱最好希望,做最壞打算。 First come, first served. 先來後到。 policeman (policemen) -What does h。

2、Review A public house which Mr Thompson is going to sell He told me that The next morning Though Mr Thompson had turned He also said that When I suggested that The villagers have told him that。

3、新概念英语2,lesson14,单词讲解,amusing adj 好笑的,有趣的 experience n 经历 wave v招手 lift n 搭便车 reply v回答 language v语言 journey n旅行,amusing adj. enjoyable,causing language or smile 好笑的,有趣的 amuse v. make sb laugh or smi。

4、2021/2/14,Lesson 16 A polite request,2021/2/14,Discussion,1. Have you ever noticed the traffic signs in streets? 2. Can you guess the meanings of the signs below?,2021/2/14,Traffic lights and street s。

5、Lesson 50,Taken for a ride 乘车兜风,New words and expressions,excursion n. 远足 可数名词 excursion n 游玩, 郊游(距离不会很远) have an excursion 进行一次远足 Tomorrow we will have an excursion. Our class will have an excursi。

6、,Lesson 38,Everything except the weather,Jessie,点击添加文本,点击添加文本,点击添加文本,点击添加文本,Contents,Exercise,Listening,key points,Review,点击添加文本,点击添加文本,点击添加文本,点击添加文本,Listen and answer,3.Why did Harrison sell his 。

7、Lesson 33 Out of the darkness,1. darkness n. 黑暗 dark adj. 黑暗的, n.黑暗,黄昏,黑夜 in the dark 在黑暗中 e.g. They ran through the forest in the dark. 他们在黑暗中跑过森林。 翻译:在云南旅游时,我在黑暗中迷了路。 I lost my way in the dark when。

8、1. Yesterday was even _ (cold). 3. If you work harder, your English will be _(good). 4. My sister speaks English as _(good) as me. 5. Which do you like _(well), this one or that one? 。

9、Lesson 32,Shopping made easy,词汇学习 Word study,onceadv. 曾经,以前 (1)I visit my mother once a month. 我一月看我妈妈一次 (2)once 连接从句:表示“一旦” Once you start, you will never give up. 一旦你开始了,你就不要放弃。 (3)He once lived 。

10、Lesson 32 Shopping made easy 购物变得很方便,【New words and expressions】 1. once wns adv. 曾经,以前 2. temptation temptein n. 诱惑 3. article :tikl n. 物品,东西 4. wrap rp v. 包裹 5. simply simpli adv. 仅仅 6. arrest rest。

11、Lesson 38 Everything except the weather 唯独没有考虑到天气,【New words and expressions】 1 except iksept prep.除了 2 Mediterranean meditreinin n.(the)地中海 3 complain kmplein v.抱怨 4 continually kntinjuli adv.不断地。

12、In or out,By:Lynn,Lesson 59,Do you have any pets?Do they have any strange habits?,Key words expressions,Rex 雷克斯 bark v. 狗叫 press v. 按,压 paw n. 脚爪 latch n. 门闩,Key words expressions,expert n。

13、Lesson 37 The Olympic Games,2008年中国奥运会主题曲You and me 我和你心连心同住地球村 为梦想千里行相会在北京 来吧朋友伸出你的手 我和你心连心永远一家人 you and me from one world we are family travel one dream a thousand miles meeting in beijing come toge。

14、Lesson 44 Through the forest 穿过森林,New words and expressions forest n. 森林 risk n. 危险,冒险 picnic n. 野餐 edge n. 边缘 strap n. 带,皮带 possession n. 所有 breath n. 呼吸 contents n. (常用复数)内有的物品 mend v. 修理,forest n 森。

15、Lesson 31 Success story,cut across fall into run away in sight cut sth. into pieces catch sight of sothat out of sight, out of mind. on fine afternoons by the Wayle as usual kick a ball a passing b。

16、BY LIUPING,FUTURE CHAMPIONS,PRE-READING,LEAD IN,Wu Dajing At Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, he broke the world record and won the gold medal in 500-meter short track speed skating,LEAD IN,Sun Yang He is。

17、,Lesson24,It could be worse,Passage Learning,Words and Expressions,02,01,Content,TARGET,System I重点掌握5个单词,System II 重点掌握4个词组;4个难点,System III 文章逐句分析4句背诵,System IV 掌握语法must,PART ON。

18、 Lesson 21 Mad or not? 【New words and expressions】(4) mad adj. 发疯 reason n. 原因 sum n. 量 determined adj. 坚定的,下决心的 mad adj. 发疯 sb. is mad “为而疯狂(着迷)”的表示方法: be mad about Im mad about English. be cra。

19、Lesson 53,Hot snake,hot adj 1)热的,炎热的 Strike while the iron is hot. 趁热打铁. 2)调味品辣的 辣椒和芥末是辣的. Pepper and mustard are hot. 3)强烈的,激烈的,热烈的. have a hot temper 脾气暴躁 a hot potato 棘手或讨厌的事物或情况,cause 1)V. 引起 caus。

20、新概念英语第二册,Lesson 17,New words and expressions 生词和短语,Appear v. 登场,扮演 vi. 出现,显露(反义词为disappear) The plane appeared. / The plane disappeared. vi. 当众露面,登场(演出等) I cant appear in this dress at the party. Appear as: 扮演角色 Appear on the stage as : 在舞台上扮演 vi. 似乎,看起来好像(与seem同义),显得(系动词,后面直接加形容词) She appears nervous. / He appears to know you. Stage n. 舞台 On the stage 在舞台上 in the stage 在某一阶段(时期),New words and express。

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新概念英语 第二册 Lesson 32.ppt
新概念英语第二册lesson 33课.ppt
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