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Lesson13 A new dress,Phonics,O: open ocean orange or October old of Obey order P: people please peter party part Paris panda paper paragraph partner,W


1、Lesson13 A new dress,Phonics,O: open ocean orange or October old of Obey order P: people please peter party part Paris panda paper paragraph partner,Words and expressions,Green hand 新手 He is a green hand. Black and blue all over 全身青一块紫一块 What make 什么牌子 What make is your watch? Come on, stop day-dreaming.,Words and expressions,Upstairs downstairs here there home abroad 地点副词前一般不加介词 Go home come upstairs Smart: 巧妙的、聪明的 Bright: 聪明的,多指小孩 Clever: 聪明的(指理解。

2、新概念英语第一册Lesson4748,Lesson 4748 A cup of,新概念英语第一册Lesson4748,Black coffee 纯咖啡,Kinds of coffee,新概念英语第一册Lesson4748,Blue Moun。

3、Lesson 45The bosss letter,can,The girl can ride a bike.,He cant see.,boss,minute,hour second,ask,handwriting,terrible,ca。

4、找出下面的定语从句,The boy is a student. The tall boy is a student. The boy in black is a student. The boy standing over there is a student. The boy who is drinking water is a student.,找出下面句子中的定语,The tall boy 。

5、,The French test,Lesson 103,Good BoyLittle Robert asked his mother for two cents. “What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?” “I gave it to a poor old woman,” he answered.Youre a good boy, 。

6、Lesson 15 Your passport, please.,It is _.,a purple dress an orange hat. a purple and . green umbrella.,They are _.,red books.,blue suits,white coats,New words,customs 海关,passpo。

7、,Listen and answer:,What is Carol not going to buy?,Beer and wine.,grocer,groceries,at the grocers,fruit,stationery,stationer,at the stationers,chemist,at the chemists,chemistry,v,ege,table,v。

8、Lesson 51 A pleasant climate 宜人的气候 Question : Does it ever snow in Greece?,关于气候的一些单词: weather 天气 climate 气候 snow 下雪 windy 有风的 rain 下雨 hot 热的 cold 冷的 warm 暖和的 cool凉爽的,January 1月 February 2月 March。

9、Lesson83 Going on holiday,现在完成时,用途: 1.表示过去不确定时间里发生的并与现在有某种联系的动作。 2.表示开始于过去并持续到现在的动作。 结构: 主语+have/has+动词的过去分词 否定形式:havent(have not)/hasnt(has not) 疑问句:把have/has放在句首,过去分词,过去分词的变化规则与过去式一样,在词尾加ed 原形 过去式。

10、lesson67,THE TOPIC :The weekend,lets have an interesting weekend!,Part one,Guess Whats the meaning?,Like, enjoy,Part one,One part of your body,Part one,The place where students study and learn,Part one,It made of flour, we can eat it at the breakfast.,Part one,Something we use it to protect our head,Part one,We eat it in summer, it make us cool down,Part one,The place with lots of water,Part one,Something we can see it to know the time,Part one,One kind of KFC food, it always fried,Dictati。

11、Lesson 109,A good idea,idea a little teaspoonful less a few pity instead advice,单词学习,most least best worse worst,idea n. 1) 主意 那是一个好主意。 Thats a good idea. 我有个主意,你打扫房间,我来洗车。 I have an idea; you clean the room and Ill wash the car. 2)意见,见解,想法 关于这件事你的意见如何 What is your idea about it? 我不喜欢金钱就是一切的想法 I dont like the idea that money is everything.,a little 少许(置于不可数名词之前) 你要不要吃点蛋糕? Will y。

12、Lesson 109 A good idea,Review形容词比较级和最高级,1. 直接加er hard-harder- the hardest, short-shorter-the shortest 2.以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节,双写该辅音字母+er/est big-bigger-biggest 3.以辅音字母+y结尾的变y为i加er/est lazy-lazier-the laziest,heavy-heavier-the heaviest,2019/5/15,Review形容词比较级和最高级,4. 以不发音e结尾的形容词直接加r/st large-larger-the largest 5. 多音节及某些双音节词,+more/ the most difficult-more difficult- the most difficult, tired-more tired-the most tired,2019/5。

13、Lesson 109,A good idea,idea a little teaspoonful less a few pity instead advice,单词学习,most least best worse worst,idea n. 1) 主意 那是一个好主意。 Thats a good idea. 我有个主意,你打扫房间,我来洗车。 I have an idea; you clean the room and Ill wash the car. 2)意见,见解,想法 关于这件事你的意见如何 What is your idea about it? 我不喜欢金钱就是一切的想法 I dont like the idea that money is everything.,a little 少许(置于不可数名词之前) 你要不要吃点蛋糕? Will y。

14、Lesson 109 and Lesson 110 一 根据句意填空(10分) 1. I make some coffee? Good idea. 2. Do you want any milk? Just a . 3. I want less than two teaspoonfuls of tea. Only one and a teaspoonfuls, ple。

15、LESSON 109LESSON 110 一、填空 1.好主意2.一则建议 3.代替4. 少许 5.真遗憾 6.我恐怕 7.没关系8.多吃少抽烟 9.当然10.两勺 二、从下面A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的答案,并把正确的字母编号写在括号里。 ( ) 1. The _you eat, the better your will be. A. little B. few C. les。

16、 Hope for the best,prepare for the worst. 好处着想,坏处准备。 Lesson 109 and Lesson 110 一 根据句意填空(10 分) 1. I make some coffee? Good idea. 2. Do you want any milk? Just a . 3. I want less than two teaspoonfuls o。

新概念英语第一册Lesson 45.ppt
新概念英语第一册Lesson 109练习.doc
新概念英语第一册Lesson 109-110 练习题(无答案).doc
新概念英语第一册lesson 47练习.doc

