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,The French test,Lesson 103,Good BoyLittle Robert asked his mother for two cents. “What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?” “I gave it to


1、,The French test,Lesson 103,Good BoyLittle Robert asked his mother for two cents. “What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?” “I gave it to a poor old woman,” he answered.Youre a good boy, 。

2、Lesson 15 Your passport, please.,It is _.,a purple dress an orange hat. a purple and . green umbrella.,They are _.,red books.,blue suits,white coats,New words,customs 海关,passpo。

3、LESSON 109LESSON 110 一、填空 1.好主意2.一则建议 3.代替4. 少许 5.真遗憾 6.我恐怕 7.没关系8.多吃少抽烟 9.当然10.两勺 二、从下面A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的答案,并把正确的字母编号写在括号里。 ( ) 1. The _you eat, the better your will be. A. little B. few C. les。

4、,Listen and answer:,What is Carol not going to buy?,Beer and wine.,grocer,groceries,at the grocers,fruit,stationery,stationer,at the stationers,chemist,at the chemists,chemistry,v,ege,table,v。

5、Lesson 51 A pleasant climate 宜人的气候 Question : Does it ever snow in Greece?,关于气候的一些单词: weather 天气 climate 气候 snow 下雪 windy 有风的 rain 下雨 hot 热的 cold 冷的 warm 暖和的 cool凉爽的,January 1月 February 2月 March。

6、Lesson83 Going on holiday,现在完成时,用途: 1.表示过去不确定时间里发生的并与现在有某种联系的动作。 2.表示开始于过去并持续到现在的动作。 结构: 主语+have/has+动词的过去分词 否定形式:havent(have not)/hasnt(has not) 疑问句:把have/has放在句首,过去分词,过去分词的变化规则与过去式一样,在词尾加ed 原形 过去式。

7、lesson67,THE TOPIC :The weekend,lets have an interesting weekend!,Part one,Guess Whats the meaning?,Like, enjoy,Part one,One part of your body,Part one,The place where students study and learn,Part one,It made of flour, we can eat it at the breakfast.,Part one,Something we use it to protect our head,Part one,We eat it in summer, it make us cool down,Part one,The place with lots of water,Part one,Something we can see it to know the time,Part one,One kind of KFC food, it always fried,Dictati。

8、* * Readandcompare: hot few big short small old fine easy hungry early heavy exciting carefully hotterhottest fewerfewest biggerbiggest shortershortest olderoldest finerfinest easiereasiest hungrierhu。

9、新概念英语第一册第111112课 Alan Lesson 111 The most expensive model. Daily EnglishTake it easy. 别急。慢慢来。 Free talkHave you ever bou。

10、Lesson 111,The most expensive model,单词学习,model n. 型号,式样 afford v. 付得起 deposit n. 存款;预付定金 installment n. 分期付款 price n. 价格 millionaire n. 百万富翁,model n. 1) 型号,式样 这台洗衣机是最新型的。 This washing machin。

11、Lesson 111,The most expensive model,单词学习,model n. 型号,式样 afford v. 付得起 deposit n. 存款;预付定金 installment n. 分期付款 price n. 价格 millionaire n. 百万富翁,model n. 1) 型号,式样 这台洗衣机是最新型的。 This washing machin。

12、Lesson 111 The most expensive model 单词学习 model n. 型号,式样 afford v. 付得起 deposit n. 存款;预付定金 installment n. 分期付款 price n. 价格 millionaire n. 百万富翁 model n. 1) 型号,式样 这台洗衣机是最新型的。 This wa。

13、Lesson 111 and Lesson 112 一 根据句意填空(10分) 1. How much does this television . 2. Its the expensive model in the shop. 3. Thats too expensive for us. We cant all that money. 4. This model。

14、,Made by Rita,Review!,By Jenny,2020/7/22,比较级、最高级变化规则,1.单音节和少数双音节单词,一般在词尾加“er”或“est”。 2.以不发音字母“e”结尾的单词,直接在词尾加 “r”或“st”。 3.以重读闭音节结尾的单词,如果词尾只有一个辅音字母时,应先双写这一辅音字母,再加“er”或“est”。 4.以辅音字母+y结尾的单词,应先改“y”为“i”,在。

15、Review!,many、few + C much、little + U I have friends. (肯定) I have friends. (否定) I have money. (肯定) I have money. (肯定),few和little,Attentioon!,a little,a few,little,few,肯定,否定,不可数,可数,much,many,few or 。

16、比较级用法: 1.表示二者之间的选择和比较 He is taller than John. 最高级用法: 1.表示三者及三者以上的选择和比较 He is the tallest.,2,找规律,short-shorter-shorest small-smaller-smallest,nice-nicer-nicest safe-safer-safest,big-bigger-biggest thi。

17、Lesson111The most expensive model, 100, 300, 500,It costs It s the most expensive model in the shop.,It costs This model。

18、Lesson 111-112练习题 学员:王晨晨 教师:李军力 I.写出下列形容词的比较级和最高级形式。 1. expensive 2. smart 3. difficult 4. sharp 5. interesting II.选择正确的答案填空。 ( ) 。

新概念英语第一册Lesson 111-112 练习题(无答案).doc
新概念英语第一册_第111-112课 Alan.docx
新概念英语第一册lesson 47练习.doc
新概念英语第一册Lesson 109练习.doc

