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Lesson115 Knock, knock!,knock at the door,1,沐风教资,2,沐风教资,Bill,Snow,lily,Mike,Sophy,Jack,Betty,Rain,Tony,Linda,Jerry,Coco,3,沐风教资,Key wordsexpressions,kn


1、Lesson115 Knock, knock!,knock at the door,1,沐风教资,2,沐风教资,Bill,Snow,lily,Mike,Sophy,Jack,Betty,Rain,Tony,Linda,Jerry,Coco,3,沐风教资,Key wordsexpressions,knock v. 敲,打 quiet adj. 宁静的,安静的 impossible ad。

2、lesson67,THE TOPIC :The weekend,lets have an interesting weekend!,Part one,Guess Whats the meaning?,Like, enjoy,Part one,One part of your body,Part one,The place where students study and learn,Part one,It made of flour, we can eat it at the breakfast.,Part one,Something we use it to protect our head,Part one,We eat it in summer, it make us cool down,Part one,The place with lots of water,Part one,Something we can see it to know the time,Part one,One kind of KFC food, it always fried,Dictati。

3、Lesson 116 Every, no , any and some 1 asleep slip glassesglsz adj. 睡觉,睡着(用作表语) n. 眼镜 New words 2 1) be/fall asleep 入睡 2) v. sleep 睡觉=go to bed=go to sleep 3) sleepy adj. 困倦的(用作定语) adj. 1)表语 系动词(be动词)+。

4、Lesson 116 Every, no , any and some asleep slip glassesglsz adj. 睡觉,睡着(用作表语) n. 眼镜 New words 1) be/fall asleep 入睡 2) v. sleep 睡觉=go to bed=go to sleep 3) sleepy adj. 困倦的(用作定语) adj. 1)表语 系动词(be动词)+表语 。

5、Lesson115 Knock, knock!,knock at the door,Bill,Snow,lily,Mike,Sophy,Jack,Betty,Rain,Tony,Linda,Jerry,Coco,Key wordsexpressions,knock v. 敲,打 quiet adj. 宁静的,安静的 impossible adj 不可能的 invite v. 。

6、Lesson 115 Knock, Knock! anyone pron. 意义和用法与anybody相同 但anybody比较“口语“化。 1)(用于疑问句和否定句)任何人 有谁在那里吗? Is anyone there? 你不应该依赖任何人。 You should not rely on anyone. 2)(用于肯定句)无论谁 任何人都可以听他演讲。 Anyone may attend 。

7、Lesson 115 Knock, Knock! What does Jim have to drink? 单词学习 anyone enwn knock nk everythingevr quiet kwat impossiblempsb() l pron. 任何人 v. 敲,打 pron. 一切事物 adj. 宁静的,安静的 adj. 不可能的。

8、用neither或so引导的倒装句: 表示前面的情况同属于后面的人。 句型基本结构: 肯定句,so +助动词+. I have got a ten-yuan note. So have I. (So has he.) 否定句,neither+助动词+. I cant swim. Neither can I. (Neither can he.) Knock, knock! Made 。

9、知识点:Lessons 115 116 Knock, knock 教案1Isn39;t there anyone at home There be句型复合不定代词 anyone 看作单数,用在疑问句和否认句中。2 I39;ll knock 。

10、Make a card,Read and Answer,1. Where does a lion and a monkey live? 2. The monkey is proud of his _ 3. The monkey leads the lion to _ 4. The lion is_ 5. When the lion looks into the riv。

11、Lesson115,Knock,knock!,By Tina,2/10/2021,2/10/2021,New words and expressions,2/10/2021,2/10/2021,anyone pron. 任何人 knock v. 敲,打 everything pron. 一切事物 quiet adj. 宁静的,安静的 impossible adj. 不可能的 。

12、以so或neither引导的简短回答 肯定句 So+助动词/be动词/情态动词+主语 Tom is tall. So is Sophie. I go to school everyday. So does Tony. Jane has gone to BJ. So have her parents. Sam and Peter can swim. So can I.,否定句 Neither+助动词。

13、 新概念英语第一册 Lesson 115-116 练习题(无答案) Lesson 115 and Lesson 116 一 根据句意填空(10 分) 1. Isnt there _ at home? 2. We must _ at the door before we go into the teachers office. 3. Is _ read for the 。

14、Lessons 115 -116 Knock, knock! 一.知识点: 1、Isnt there anyone at home? (There be句型) 复合不定代词 anyone 看作单数,用在疑问句和否定句中。 2、Ill knock again. knock at/on the door 敲门。 3、Everythings very quiet. 复合不定代词 everyt。

新概念第一册 lesson 115-116.ppt

