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Lesson 49 and Lesson 50 一 根据汉语提示填空(10分) 1. Do you want any (肉) today? 2. He doesnt like beef or (羔羊肉). 3. My husband doesnt like (西红柿) 4. I like (卷心菜


1、 Lesson 49 and Lesson 50 一 根据汉语提示填空(10分) 1. Do you want any (肉) today? 2. He doesnt like beef or (羔羊肉). 3. My husband doesnt like (西红柿) 4. I like (卷心菜) with meat. 5. Can you eat so。

2、Lesson 59 and Lesson 60 一 据跟句意填空(10分) 1. The lady wants an _ to put a letter in. 2. Do you have any _ paper to write a letter on? 3. The shop assistant doesnt have any small _ of writin。

3、Lesson 91 and Lesson 92 一 用所给单词的适当形式填空(10分) 1. Has Ian _ (sell) his house yet? 2. He is poor in _ (play) football. 3. Please give him my _ (regard). 4. I dont want to miss _ (see) 。

4、Lesson 87 and Lesson 88 一 根据句意及所给单词的首字母填空(10分) 1. Is my car r yet? 2. The attendant doesnt know what the n of Mr. Woods car is. 3. Please b me some food when you come here. 4. She cant 。

5、Lesson 103 and Lesson 104 一 根据句意及所给首字母提示填空(10分) 1. Before buying a car, I went for a driving t . 2. Reading in bed is b for your eyes. 3. I think I passed the English e . 4. The English a。

6、Lesson 55 and Lesson 56 一 根据句意填空(10分) 1. The Sawyers live _ 87, King Street. 2. In the morning, Mr. Sawyer _ to work. 3. Mr. Sawyer takes his _ to school every day. 4. We are Finnish. W。

7、Lesson 19 and Lesson 20 一 根据汉语提示填入适当的单词(10分) 1. Whats the _ (事情)? 2. We are _ (累的)and thirsty. 3. Are you _ _ (可以,正常)? 4. Look, there is an _ (冰激淋) man? 5. Here you are, _。

8、 Lesson125andLesson126 一根据句意及所给单词首字母填空(10分) 1.Youarebadlyill.Youm_takethemedicine. 2.Philiph_tospellhisnamemanytimesbecauseitstoolong. 3.Look,theglowersareverydry.Theyneedw_. 4.Imt_。

9、 Lesson 39 and Lesson 40 一 根据句意以及所给的单词首字母填词( 10 分) 1. What is Penny going to do w that vase? 2. Can you see a house a room in the picture? A . 3. You must be c . Please don t drop the glass. 4. The。

10、 Lesson 91 and Lesson 92 一 用所 的适当形式填空(10 分) 1. Has Ian _ (sell) his house yet? 2. He is poor in _ (play) football. 3. Please give him my _ (regard). 4. I don t want to miss _ (s。

11、 Lesson 73 and Lesson 74 一 根据句意及所给的单词的首字母填空 (10 分 ) 1. Mrs. Mill dose not know London very w_ and she lost her way. 2. Miss Williams is driving to school. S_ her car stops. 3. Can yo。

12、 Lesson 55 and Lesson 56 一 根据句意填空(10 分) 1. The Sawyers live _ 87, King Street. 2. In the morning, Mr. Sawyer _ to work. 3. Mr. Sawyer takes his _ to school every day. 4. We are Finnish。

13、 Lesson 37 and Lesson 38 一 根据所 提示填空( 10 分) 1. George is working . ( 努力地 ) 2. Give me a please. ( 子 ) 3. George is going to the bookcase. ( 上漆 ) 4. I m going to paint it . ( 粉 色 ) 5. Pink。

14、 Lesson 61 and Lesson 62 一 根据句意及所给单词的首字母填空( 10 分) 1. A: What s the matter with Jimmy? B: He f ill. 2. Jimmy looks ill. We must c the doctor. 3. I can t r where I put my pen. 4. Ji。

15、新概念英语第一册Lesson 129-130练习题(无答案) Lesson 129 and Lesson 130 一 根据句意及所给单词的首字母填空(10分) 1. She w_ her hand as she left. 5. Ill help you as much as I can, but theres a l_ to what I can do. 7. Dont dr。

16、 Lesson 103 and Lesson 104 一 根据句意及所给首字母提示填空( 10 分) 1. Before buying a car, I went for a driving t . 2. Reading in bed is b for your eyes. 3. I think I passed the English e . 4. The English and m。

17、 Lesson 109 and Lesson 110 一 根据句意填空( 10 分) 1. I make some coffee? Good idea. 2. Do you want any milk? Just a . 3. I want less than two teaspoonfuls of tea. Only one and a teaspoonfuls, please.。

18、 Lesson 25 and Lesson 26 一、用所给词的适当形式填空( 10 分) 1. ( Mrs. Smith ) kitchen is small. 2. The electric (cook) is white. 3. There are some (tie) on the chair. 4. (this) glasses? No, not those. 。

19、 Lesson 111 and Lesson 112 一 根据句意填空( 10 分) 1. How much does this television . 2. It s the expensive model in the shop. 3. Thats too expensive for us. We cant all that money. 4. This model is no。

20、* Do not , for one repulse , give up the purpose that you resolved to effect . 不要只因一次失败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。 Lesson 63 and Lesson 64 一用所给词的适当形式填空(10 分) 1. Tommy is (well) today than yesterday. 2. The doctor goes (upstair) to see Tommy. 3. Jimmy looks very (good). 4. He must stay in bed for another two (day). 5. You must keep your hand (close). 6. You mustn t drive so (quick). 7. Don t be (noise). The baby is sleeping. 8. Can you remember the (doctor) telephone n。

新概念英语第一册Lesson 19-20 练习题(无答案).doc
新概念英语第一册Lesson 55-56练习题(无答案).doc
新概念英语第一册Lesson 103-104 练习题(无答案).doc
新概念英语第一册Lesson 87-88 练习题(无答案).doc
新概念英语第一册Lesson 91-92 练习题(无答案).doc
新概念英语第一册Lesson 59-60练习题(无答案).doc
新概念英语第一册Lesson 49-50练习题(无答案).doc

