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新目标初中英语七年级上Unit1 第一课时教学设计及教学反思 一基本信息 1)学科 : 英语 2)教材版本:新目标 3)七年级上 4)课题名称 七年级新目标英语上Unit 1 My names Gina! 5)课时数 4(本单元用4课时,这是第一课时) 二改进后的教学设计 1教学目标; 知识与能力


1、新目标初中英语七年级上Unit1 第一课时教学设计及教学反思 一基本信息 1)学科 : 英语 2)教材版本:新目标 3)七年级上 4)课题名称 七年级新目标英语上Unit 1 My names Gina! 5)课时数 4(本单元用4课时,这是第一课时) 二改进后的教学设计 1教学目标; 知识与能力 采用Practicing, Listening for specific information和R。

2、Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? 第一课时:Section A (一) 一、教学内容 Section A中1a. 1b. 1c. 2a. 2b. 2c. Grammar focus 二、教学目标 1、知识与能力 : 1. Match the vocabulary:New York City,Central Park,exam 2. Master and us。

3、 Kinds of moviescartooncomedydocumentaryaction movieHow do you feel about the movieSad movies make me . cryComics make m。

4、初中英语教学设计与反思 新目标初中英语七年级上Unitl 第一课时教学设计及教学反思 一.基本信息 1 )学科:英语 2)教材版本:新目标 3)七年级上 4)课题名称七年级新目标英语上 Unit 1 My name s Gina! 5)课时数4 (本单元用4课时,这是第一课时) 二改进后的教学设计 1教学目标;知识与能力 采用 Practicing, Listening for specific 。

5、重点句型回顾,1.The girl was shopping when she saw the alien get out 当那个女孩看见那个外星人出来的时候,她正在购物 2.While the alien was visiting the museum,the boy called the TV station. 当那个外星人正在参观博物馆时,那个男孩打电话给电视台了。 3.You can imagine how strange it was! 你可以想像那是多么奇怪吧! eg:你多么的聪明啊!How_ _ _!,how 引导的感叹句见A95-考点5,2011-2013年云南中考真题体验,1.B 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.B,随堂巩固训练,一、汉译英 1.took off 2.keep silent 3.in danger 4.strange experience 5.。

6、,Unit 9 When was he born?,Period 1 (1a,1b and 1c),A: Who s that?,B: Thats Kobe.,Video,He is a great sports star.,Yao Min Zhang Yining Michael Jordan ,1a,International Sports Stars,B: He was born in 1983.,A: Who s that?,B: Thats Liu Xiang.,A: When was he born?,runner,He is a great Chinese .,B: He was born in .,A: Who s that?,B:Thats David Beckham.,A: When was he born?,1975,He is a great British .,football player,B: She was born in 1980.,A: Who s that?,B: Thats Martina Hingis.,A: 。

7、,Unit 6 Do you like bananas?,Period One,ba,br,f,h,i,o,sa,st,t,bananas,broccoli,French fries,hamburger,ice cream,orange,salad,strawberry,tomato,Guess: My favorite food!,猜猜我最喜爱的食品!,Do you like. ?,Yes, I do.,No, I dont.,。

8、Unit 9 When was he born,Period 6:Self Check,Tour start stop win become 1. How old were you when you _learning English? 2. What can I do to _ famous? 3. He _ playing football because of his score back. 4. The Chinese football team _ Asia last year. 5. John _ first prize in the speech competition.,started,become,stopped,toured,won,Step 1:Revision,Fill in the blanks,Can you make your own sentence with these words?,Deng Yaping,a ping-pong player =a table tennis playe。

9、 (疑难与揭秘)人教版(新目标)初中九年级Unit 4 What would you do I、单词聚焦 million miljn n. 百万 【巧记提示】 mil+lion(狮子) 【经典例句】 Millions of trees should be planted every year. 每年应该种植上百万的树。 【考点聚焦】 1)million 前加具体的数字或者several后面不。

10、新目标初中七年级下册英语精品教案全册 Unit1 Where is your pen pal from? Topic: Countries, nationalities, and languages Functions: Talk about countries, nationalities and languages Ask and tell about where people live St。

11、新目标初中英语七年级上Unit1第一课时教学设计及教学反思160;一基本信息160;160; 1学科 : 英语2教材版本:新目标3七年级上4课题名称160; 七年级新目标英语上Unit 1160; My names Gina5课时数 4本单。

12、,When was he born?,Unit 9 Section B,Step 1:Warming up 1.Chant:,When, when, When, when, was he born? was she born? 1996, 1996, 1997, 1997, He was born in 1996. She was born in1997.,2. Tell a story about myself:,I started when I was years old. I became a/an when I was years old.,I am _ because I started_ when I was _years old.,Step 2 Presentation: Some adjectives,is,Somebody,1)Group work: Using adjectives to make sentences .,S1: I admire (。

13、 人教版新目标初中英语八年级下册精品教案全册 Unit 1 Will people have robots ? Teaching goals: 1. Words&phrases: robot, paper, less, fewer, simple, unpleasant, factory, seem, etc . 2. will 构成的一般将来时态的陈述句、否定句、疑问句及回答. 3. T。

14、Unit 15 The Necklace,Warming up,Listening and Speaking,Talking about drama and theatre,Do you like watching play in your spare time? Where do you watch a play? Do you know some famous play both at home and abroad? What do we call the person who writes a play? Can you name some famous playwright? What do you know about drama and theatre? Do you like making up a story?,Tea House,Thunder Storm,Kong Yiji,Rhinoceros in Love,Hamlet,Waiting for Godot,Warming up,Work together with your partner. Talk abo。

15、 新目标初中七年级下册英语精品教案全册 Unit1 Where is your pen pal from? Topic: Countries, nationalities, and languages Functions: Talk about countries, nationalities and languages Ask and tell about where people live S。

16、人教版新目标初中英语八年级下册精品教案全册 Unit 1 Will people have robots ? Teaching goals: 1. Words&phrases: robot, paper, less, fewer, simple, unpleasant, factory, seem, etc . 2. will 构成的一般将来时态的陈述句、否定句、疑问句及回答. 3. Th。

17、新目标初中八年级英语上册Unit Five说课稿 Hello, everyone. Im Zhao Guomin. Im an English teacher from No.1 middle School of Zhangwan. Now Ill say Period One of Unit Five in Book Two. Ill prepare to say the lesson from。

18、Unit 9 When was he born? Section A Period 2,She was born in 1981,2000,2009,I started playing basketball in 2000.,I stopped playing basketball in 2009.,I played basketball for 10 years.,When did you start playing basketball?,When did you stop playing basketball?,How long did you play basketball?,ping-pong player,1. When was Michael Jordan born? 2. When did he start playing basketball in NBA? 3. When did he stop playing basketball in NBA ? 4. How long did he play basketball in NBA?,Michael J。

新目标初中英新八年级上册课件Unit 9《When was he born》Period 2.ppt
人教新目标八年级英语上册课件:Unit 1 达标检测试卷 .pptx
人教新目标高一英语课件上册课件Unit 15 The Necklace.ppt
人教新目标八年级英语上册课件:Unit 7 达标检测试卷 .pptx
新目标初中英新八年级上册课件Unit 9《When was he born》Period 4.ppt
新目标初中英新八年级上册课件Unit 9《When was he born》Period 6.ppt
新目标初中英语七年级上册《Unit 6 Do you like bananas》 .ppt
新目标初中英新八年级上册课件Unit 9《When was he born》Period 1.ppt
新目标初中八年级英语上册Unit Five说课稿.doc
人教版新目标初中英语八年级下册精品教案 全册.doc
新目标初中七年级下册英语精品教案 全册.doc

