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小学毕业考试英语试卷(时限80分钟)项 目听 力 部 分笔 试 部 分总分题 号一二三四五六七八九十十一十二十三得 分阅卷人复核人听力部分(30)监考老师注意:1. 播放录音前,给三分钟时间让学生默看听力试题。2. 听力测试结束后继续做笔试题。一、 听录音,找出你所听到的句子中含有的选项(听两遍)(


1、小学毕业考试英语试卷(时限80分钟)项 目听 力 部 分笔 试 部 分总分题 号一二三四五六七八九十十一十二十三得 分阅卷人复核人听力部分(30)监考老师注意:1. 播放录音前,给三分钟时间让学生默看听力试题。2. 听力测试结束后继续做笔试题。一、 听录音,找出你所听到的句子中含有的选项(听两遍)(5分)( ) 1. A. WMNB. NWMC. MNWD. WNM( ) 2. A. bdqB. dbqC. qbdD. dqb( ) 3. A. mouseB. houseC. mouthD. horse( ) 4. A. happyB. habitC. helpD. rabbit。

2、小升初英语专题试卷 1一、找出划线部分单词读音与其他三个不同的单词。 ( )1. A. meat B. cheat C. break D. season ( )2. A. above B. rose C. bone D.photo ( )3. A. breath B. those C. with D. then ( )4. A. umbrellaB. unit C. understand D. jump( )5. A. cook B. food C. stood D. wood二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Five years ago, he _(can) ride a bike, but now he_ (can).2. She _(not have) a mobile phone ten years ago. 3. Yang Ling _(。

3、专项整合训练(四)适当词填空姓名: 班级: 得分: 一、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. The boy behind me is _ (write ) a letter.2. Would you like _ (listen ) to some music ?3. Look , he can _ (fly ) a kite on the grasss.4. _ your cousin always like _ (ask ) a lot about Maths?5. My brother often _ (play ) football at the weekend.6. The students are very _ (excite ).7. I _ (finish) primary school next year.8. Her aunt _ (give) a red pack。

4、6B Unit 5 The seasons (BCD) 一、教材简析: 本课是牛津小学英语六年级下学期(6B)中的Unit 5 The seasons第二课时的教学内容。本课的核心内容是“季节”。所涉及的主要句型有: Which season do you like best? I like Why? Because its I can本课主要学习四会单词:spring, summer, au。

5、6B Unit 6 A卷: 课堂点拨题一.will 一般将来时的四大句式1.肯定句(1)We will a film and a picnic tonight.A. watch, have B. watched, had C. watch, had D. watched, have(2)【易错】I think that the weather hot this summer. A. will be B. is C. become D. be (3)There a football game tomorrow afternoon. A. was B. will be C. is going to have D. will have(4)【易错】Let (we) (play) basketball this afternoon.2.否定句(1)We (not fly。

6、新版英语教材六年级下册Units5-6单元测试卷班级姓名_得分_听力部分(30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(10分)()1.A. at the partyB.at my houseC. at his house()2.A. will swimB. will sing&。

7、三上1. 早上好!_2. 下午好!_3. 晚上好!_4. 晚安!_5. 小姐 _6. 同学们;课;上课 _7. 再见。_8. 朋友 _9. 我的 _10. 你的;你们的_11. 他的 _12. 她的_13. 它的 _14. 我们的 _15. 他们的 _16. 我(主格)_17. 我(宾格)_18. 你;你们(主格)_19. 你;你们(宾格)_20. 他(主格)_21. 他(宾格)_22. 她(主格)_23. 她(。

8、用所给单词的适当形式填空Unit11. The clothes fit you_(good).2. Mike likes_ (sweet) and he often goes to the_ (sweet) shop.3. Su Yang_ (read) an English book in the classroom yesterday.4. Here_ (come) Miss Li.5. This is_ (one) lesson of the new term.6. Bobby and I_ (be) good friends. We_ (become) good friends when we_ (be) children.7. Mike shouted_ (excite), because he was too_ 。

9、小学英语单词分类汇总,整理得太全了!整理:梅语文、梅学堂教学团队单词是学习英语绕不过去的坎,而背单词更是众多同学面对的难题,今天梅老师分类整理出小学必掌握的27类单词,帮你轻松记单词小学必备27类单词一、 人体 (body)foot脚 head头 face脸 hair头发 nose鼻子mouth嘴eye眼睛 ear耳朵 arm手臂 hand手 finger手指leg腿tail尾巴二、颜色 (colours)red红 blue蓝 yellow黄 green绿 white白black黑 pink粉红purple紫 orange橙 brown棕三、学习用品 (school things)pen钢笔 pencil铅笔 pencil-case铅笔盒 ruler尺子 book书bag包com。

10、单项选择Unit1( )1.Dont be _.I can help you.A. sad B. sadly C. loud D. loudly( )2. The students are_. They are singing_.A. excited excited B. excitedly excited C. excited excitedly D. exciting exciting( )3. You cannot let your son_ in public.A. sings loudly B. sings C. sing loudly D. sing( )4._can you help me? A. How B. What C. Do D. Which( )5.The mouse_ the net with its sharp。

11、 6B Unit6 归纳Story time一个有趣的国家an interesting countrycountry(复数): countries ou 发音: / /: touch cousin young 学关于澳大利亚的内容Learn about Australia Australia (n.) Australian (adj.) : speak EnglishLearn(近意词): studyLearnfrom learn a lot from her从她身上学到很多 找到关于这个国家的情况Find out about this country find(过去式) foundFind找到 find out(经过一番过程,查明真相或找到解决问题的办法)The teacher wanted to find out who broke the window. She found a wa。

12、 崇安区小学英语毕业试卷 (时限80分钟) 学校 班级 姓名 学号 _装订线项目听 力 部 分(30分)笔 试 部 分 (70分)总 分题号一二三四五六七八九十十一十二十三十四得 分阅卷人复核人听力部分(30分)1、 听录音,选择听到的内容,将其序号写在题前括号内(听两遍,10分)( )1. A. mouthB. month。

13、Unit1根据语境,进行英汉词组互译1.The lion is_(又大又强壮).2. He didnt see me when I _(走过) yesterday.3.Dont_ (让这个男孩离开).4. _(从那之后),we_(成为了朋友).5. The mouse made a big hole in the net. _6. Just then, the mouse saw the lion. _7. We can catch mice with a net. _8. How can I get out? _。

14、选择专项练习(拓展提高)班级_ 姓名_ 学号_ 成绩_( )1. I have a birthday cake _ lots of _ on it.A. in, grape B. with, grapes C. with, grape D. in, grapes( )2. Miss Li is _ her students _ the Chinese Festivals.A. talk to, for B. talking about, for C. talking to, about D. talk about, about( )3. Its so hot today. What about _ swimming in the river?A. go B. going C. go to D. going to( )4. You should _。

15、Good habitsI have many good habits. I always get up early in the morning and never go to bed late . I also brush my teeth two times every day. I put my things in order. And I often help my parents do some housework,too.At school, I always study hard and listen to teachers. I finish my homework on time. Can you tell me your good habits?A healthy dietEvery one should have a healthy diet.In a healthy diet, we should have our meals on time every day. We should have some milk and eggs. We 。

16、六年级总复习写作写作范文:1.Introduce a person 介绍一个人 (1)say something about yourself (写作要求:从爱好、行为习惯等方面介绍一下自己。 不少于8句话) Key words(关键词): hobbies、make model ships、play basketball、babbits、go to school、listen to teachers carefull、eat few vegetables、watch TV This is me I am a cool boy. I have many hobbies. I like making model ships and playing basketball. I have many good habbits. I go to school early every morning. I listen to teachers carefully in class.But 。

17、一 将下列肯定句变成否定句1. I am a teacher._2. You are a student._3. She is my mother._4. He is my brother._5. It is a banana._6. They are pandas._7. It is blue._8. They are yellow._9. I am your sister._10. He is Nancys brother._。

18、英语试卷一、单项选择。(每小题1分,共12分)( )1. Look! The old man _on the road. A. run B.runs C. is running( )2. My parents and I _ Shanghai last year.A. visits B. will visit C. visited( )3. The running race is very_. Were all very _.A. exciting; exciting B. exciting; excited C. excited; exciting( )4. In _, people drive on the left side of the road.A. New York B. London C. Beijing(。

19、6B unit11. 森林里住着一只狮子。2. 狮子很大,也很强壮。3. 有一天,一只老鼠从狮子旁边经过,吵醒了正在睡觉的狮子。4. 狮子很生气,想吃了这只老鼠。5. 请不要吃我。6. 有一天我会帮助你的。老鼠平静地说道。7. 你这么弱小8。

20、. 6B unit1 1. 森林里住着一只狮子。 2. 狮子很大,也很强壮。 3. 有一天,一只老鼠从狮子旁边经过,吵醒了正在睡觉的狮子。 4. 狮子很生气,想吃了这只老鼠。 5. “请不要吃我。 6. 有一天我会帮助你的。 ”老鼠平静地说道。 7. “你这么弱小! 8. 你怎么帮助我?” 9. 狮子大声地笑道。 10. 然后,狮子放走了老鼠。 11. 第二天,两个男人用。

译林英语6B 英汉互译.docx
译林英语6B小升初毕业试卷 (6).doc
译林英语6B  Unit6 归纳.doc
译林英语6B 同步练选择.docx
译林英语6B 适当形式填空.docx
译林英语6B   Test Unit5-6.doc
译林英语6B Unit6 考点精练.doc
译林版牛津小学英语6B 6B Unit 5 The seasons (BCD)教案.doc
译林英语6B小升初毕业试卷 (1).docx
译林英语6B小升初毕业试卷 (1).doc

