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Module 7 Unit 1,There is a cat in the tree.,肋眶毒载舵集测浦灭亢辗穆潦镭行卑位喳亲讥斌奈上剑暑坟惶掳担洛永芜一年级下册英语课件-Module 7 Unit 1 There is a cat in the tree外研社(一起)(共16张PPT)一年级下册英


1、Module 7 Unit 1,There is a cat in the tree.,肋眶毒载舵集测浦灭亢辗穆潦镭行卑位喳亲讥斌奈上剑暑坟惶掳担洛永芜一年级下册英语课件-Module 7 Unit 1 There is a cat in the tree外研社(一起)(共16张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Module 7 Unit 1 There is a cat in the tree外研社(一起)(共16张PPT),创设情境,水块腺昨爬恭亭跳磁铡妓泳宴性醋躲达舷粗功押阐古联加妊篱靖酣眨鲜喧一年级下册英语课件-Module 7 Unit 1 There is a cat in the tree外研社(一起)(共16张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Module 7 Unit 1 There is a cat in the tre。

2、,看动画How is the weather How is the weather today,Step 1,Look at the pictures of the food on Book.,Step 1,跟读课文和单词,Listen t。

3、,上海教育出版社一年级 下册,lets talk,What can you do,I can draw.,上海教育出版社一年级 下册,I can sing.,I can dance.,lets talk,What she can do,上海。

4、Module 7 Unit 1,We fly kites in spring.,Whats your favourite season,I like spring.,We fly kites in spring.,Its warm in s。

5、MODULE 7Unit 2 Its warm today.,snow 下雪,雪,We play in the snow in winter.,In Harbin,its cold in winter.,Sanya,In Sanya,its。

6、Unit7 Seasons,Period 1,Lets sing.,season,How many seasons do you know,What are they,spring,summer,autumn,winter,spring,s。

7、,上海教育出版社一年级 下册,lets talk,上海教育出版社一年级 下册,小朋友们,我们一起来感受四季,Spring is green. Spring is warm.,lets talk,上海教育出版社一年级 下册,小朋友们,我们一起。

8、Module 7 Unit 2 Its a yellow cat.,Its a yellow cat.,Is it an orange house,Its an orange house.,house,Its an orange box.,。

9、Module 5 Unit 1,They are cows.,s,pig,Warmup,cow,s,cat,S,dog,S,bird,S,ducks,chickens,Look, a pink dog.,Its not a dog. Its。

10、Module 4 Unit 2,These are my eyes.,leg,mouth,head,ear,eye,nose,Warmup,These are my hands.,These are my legs.,foot,These 。

11、课题Module7 Unit1 Is it a dog?课时1课型N目标要求语言知识目标:词汇:new,kite,or,not(isns=is not),monkey,monster,help.语言技能目标:全体学生能听懂会说Is it a dog? Yes,it is. No,it isnt. Help!学习策略:就自己的推断进行询问,对“help”这类特殊语句具有兴趣。文化意识:了解英语中的求救用语“Help!”5. 情感态度:敢于和乐于提出问题。重点难点全体学生能听懂会说Is it a dog? Yes,it is. No,it isnt. Help!教学方法游戏教学法,情境教学法,谈话法。教学准备Card,studentsbook,tape,recorder.学情分析低年级小学生的模。


13、 Book 1 Module 7 Unit 1 It is a dog? 教材内容: Sam: Look, Daming! Whats that? Daming: Is it a dog? Sam: No, it isnt. Sam: Is it a monkey? Daming: No, it isn t. Sam: Is it a monster? Daming: Yes。

14、新标准英语三年级起点三年级下册,Module 7 Unit 1 We fly kites in spring.,Chant,I like summer,its my favourite season.I go swimmingin this。

15、Module 8Unit 1Is it a dog,look 看 monster 恶魔 fox 狐狸 monkey 猴子 kite 风筝 help 求救 box 箱子,盒子 frog 青蛙house 房子,New Words,Is it a。

16、20212022年外研社英语一年级下册Module7单元测试卷匹配题给下列单词选择正确的中文翻译。1. table 2. see 3. animal 4. some 5. can 6. help A.动物 B.能 C.看见 D.帮助 E.桌。

17、外语教学与研究出版社 一年级 下册 Module 7 Unit 2 There are three brown monkeys. 外语教学与研究出版社 一年级 下册 创设情境 小组里设计一个动物园,说一说里面都有什么动物 外语教学与研究出版。

18、Module 7 Unit 1There is a cat in the tree.Do you like animals动物animalsLet s go to the zoo.lionThere is a lion.horseThere。

19、There is a cat in the tree.,Module 7 Unit 1,There is a on the farm.,There is a on the farm.,There is a in the zoo.,There。

一年级下册英语课件-Module 7 Unit 2 There are three brown monkeys∣外研社.ppt
一年级上册英语课件-Module 7 Unit 1 Is it a dog 3|外研社.ppt
三年级下册英语课件-Module7 unit1_外研版(三起).pptx
一年级上册英语教学课件-第一册Module7 Unit 2课件_外研版(一年级起点).ppt
一年级下册英语课件-Module 3 Unit 7 Seasons∣牛津上海版(共10张PPT).pptx
一年级下册英语课件-Unit 7《Seasons》|牛津上海版 .ppt
三年级下册英语课件-Module7 Unit2It's warm today.|外研社.ppt
三年级下册英语课件-Module7 Unit1We fly kites in spring.|外研社.ppt
一年级下册英语课件-Module 4 Unit 10 Activities∣牛津上海版.pptx
一年级上册英语教案Module7 Unit1(1)外研社(一起).doc
一年级上册英语教案-Module7 Unit1(1)外研社(一起).doc

