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1、北京语言大学综合英语20秋作业2答案All the students should live to the school39;s discipline.A.onB.inC.outD.upThe old man was very worrie。

2、北京语言大学综合英语20秋作业4答案These programs are designed for those young people who want to higher education but do not have enough。

3、北京语言大学综合英语20秋作业4答案It39;s everyone to decide what is right for themselves.A.forB.ofC.up toD.upSade leapt to fame with the。

4、北京语言大学20春综合英语作业1答案Toour interest, the clothes must be very special and of high quality.A.catchB.getC.grabD.excitingYou o。

5、北京语言大学综合英语20秋作业3答案Since the beginning of history, people have travel.A.dreamedB.dreamed forC.dreamed ofD.dreamed withThe。

6、北京语言大学综合英语20秋作业4答案You can39;t expect to become a millionaire .A.by nightB.overnightC.in a nightD.from one nightIt was ne。

7、北京语言大学综合英语20秋作业1答案As I this allencompassing beauty, I thought of Emerson39;s comments about the stars.A.marveledB.marvel。

8、北京语言大学20春综合英语作业4答案It was necessary that weeverything ready ahead of time.A.makeB.madeC.have madeD.had madeYou can39;t ex。

9、北京语言大学20春综合英语作业3答案Riding on a bus without paying the fare cheating the bus company.A.equalB.appearsC.amounts toD.amounts。

10、北京语言大学20春综合英语作业2答案The excited girl quicklydown.A.wentB.runC.comeD.calmedThe old man was very worried about his son39;s s。

11、北京语言大学20春综合英语作业1答案On Sundays she usually does some in .A.shoppingsbig shopsB.shoppingbig shopsC.shoppingbig shoppingsD.s。

12、21春北京理工大学综合英语在线作业参考答案There is an old saying which goes, never until tomorrow what you can do today.A.put asideB.put upC.。

13、Unit 11 Ups and Downs成功与失败Ways to success成功之道Teaching Objectives: 1. The students will be able to express opinions about。

14、1,Lecturor: Dong Xiaoye Students: English majors of 07. 2 Time: The 2nd semester of 0809 Venue: 416, No. 2 Building Refe。

15、综合英语精品课程建设规划 综合英语课程是一门综合英语技能课,是英语专业必修主干课程。其目标是培养和提高学生综合运用英语的能力。本课程主要通过语言基础训练与篇章讲解分析,使学生逐步提高语篇阅读理解能力,了解英语各种文体的表达方式和特点,扩大词汇量和熟悉英语常用句型,具备基本的口头与笔头表达能力。鼓励学生积极参与课堂的各种语言交际活动以获得基本的交际技能,并达到新大纲所规定的听、说、读、写、译等技能的。

16、综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,Unit 10Hollywood,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,2,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,3,Background,综合英语Unit 1Hollywood,4,The name “Hollywood” is the embodiment of glamour, success and money; it is the pla。

17、综合英语Secrets of StraightA Students,1,Unit 8 Secrets of Straight-A Students,综合英语Secrets of StraightA Students,2,Straight-A Students,综合英语Secrets of StraightA Students,3,Straight-A Students,综合英语Secrets。

18、综合英语Five Traits of the Educated Man,Unit 8,Five Traits of the Educated Man,综合英语Five Traits of the Educated Man,2,Pre-reading question,What do you think an English gentleman looks like?,综合英语Five Traits。

19、综合英语III Unit Chinese Food,1,Unit 3,Chinese Food,综合英语III Unit Chinese Food,2,Classroom Activity,Appreciate the pictures of many different food, and guess where are they come from. Here are some options。

20、综合英语 unit,1,Unit 5 Creating a Caribbean Spring Festival Part 1: Communicative Activities,you are supposed to learn the words Objects and foods used in celebrations.,综合英语 unit,2,Unit 5 Creating a Cari。

21、精品文档 2011级综合英语1期末考试 答案及评分标准 PartIListeningComprehension(30分) SectionA&B(20分) 评分标准:20分,每题1分,答对就得分,答错为零分 1-5DCCBC6-10CBAAA 11-15ACDCD16-20ACBBA SectionC(10分) 评分标准:S1-S8每题0.5分,单词拼写错误不得分;S9-S11每题2分。

22、电大【综合英语2】形成性考核册答案 电大【综合英语2】形考作业一答案: 第一单元学习记录卡 十个生词、短语 economics expedition aqueduct thriller conquest irrigation cockroach rite dehydrate isolated erosion incredibly 五种句式 1。

23、 拟卷人: 杨运鑫 教务科填写: 年 月 日 考 试 用 广州大学继续教育学院 课程考试试卷 试卷(闭卷) 层次(专科) 课程名称:综合英语(4-6)4 课程编码: 21112037/38试卷编号: A卷 考试时间:120分钟 专业班级: 2011专科商务英语(1)(2)学号: 姓名: 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 总分 。

24、,Daisy: Now, why dont we see if we cant find something else for you to do? Benjamin: I have a feeling theres a lot of things I cant remember. Daisy: Well, like what, sugar? Benjamin: Its like ther。

25、Lets check the answers!,Language work:,A 1. highlighting 2.zeal 3.has thrived 4.spectacular 5.prevailed 6.hovers 7.serene 8.incessantly,Add: trivial 不重要的,琐碎的,B,Review the phrases: Hold fast 紧紧抓住 A pro。

26、Listening and Speaking,Part I,Book 3-Unit 4,Listening and Speaking,Book 3-Unit 4,Return to Menu,Brainstorming Listening Speaking,Brainstorming,Book 3-Unit 4,Work with your group to think of as many。

27、,personal space,About the author:,Richard Stengel is anAmericaneditor,journalistandauthor. He is theTimemagazines 16thmanaging editor. Early life and education Stengel was born and brought up inNew Y。

28、 全国2002年4月高等教育自学考试 综合英语(一)试题 课程代码:00794 Part One .用适当的语法形式或词汇填空。从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个正确答案,并将选项号填在答题纸上的相应位置。(本大题共30小题,每小题1分,共30分) 1.The values of todays young people differ from _. A.those of their。

29、Lets check the answers!,Language work:,A 1. highlighting 2.zeal 3.has thrived 4.spectacular 5.prevailed 6.hovers 7.serene 8.incessantly,Add: trivial 不重要的,琐碎的,B,Review the phrases: Hold fast 紧紧抓住 A pro。

30、一、Directions: (Vocabulary) (选择题,每题1分, 共20分) Beneath each of the following sentences,there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on th。

31、Lecturor: Dong Xiaoye Students: English majors of 07. 2 Time: The 2nd semester of 08-09 Venue: 416, No. 2 Building Reference Book: CCE 4,Lesson 1 Thinking as a Hobby,Quotations on Thinking,“What is th。

32、倦笋衡柞狄片妓暖驾押擎模凳兑眺椎幂角孽缕疟勋报本蜜潭脉咱恨田盘沟新职业英语 综合英语2新职业英语 综合英语2,爬舌惮汕妒倘郧拽鲤暴歌巫蹄雕奋舀遮沏谅仿准玻沸恬瘦棱拉半千秩诅褂新职业英语 综合英语2新职业英语 综合英语2,禽眉鸭搔梳歹替康坠吩腐熟汝得篱境逞劣叭澳奥卞鲍筹随零青忌总甩逗属新职业英语 综合英语2新职业英语 综合英语2,槛胁获分喉篷带舷思诉洁瞧浮坡望稿贪阔货蓬膨陵邓讥映掘渠泡忌谆火鸭新职业。

33、Unit 8 Secrets of Straight-A Students,Straight-A Students,Straight-A Students,Straight-A Students,Straight-A Students,Straight-A Students,secrets of straight-A students,Secrets of Straight-A St。

34、Word study,1.Politicians are supposed to have a silver tongue so as to win public support. 2.The Japanese gentleman with elaborate courtesy were ordering a fresh fruit salad. 3.In an apparent slip of 。

35、Unit 3,Text Alienation and the Internet,Free Template from ,2,Pre-reading Questions,1. Do you go on-line everyday? What attracts you to the Internet? 2. What are the features of a net worm in your min。

36、THE INVISIBLE POOR,UNIT FOUR Text I,Michael Harrington,The invisibility of the poor in the U.S.A is an undeniable fact, but why is this so? Harrington enumerates succinctly the various causes which can be classified into three categories. See p. 52, students book. Go over the text within 5 minutes to identify the sentences that show the reasons and the paragraphs that are concerned with these reasons.,Analysis,Reasons that make the other America an invisible land,The normal and obvious causes o。

37、Unit 09 Who Killed Benny Paret?,Background information,Boxing in the United States Until late in the 19th cent., American fighters established their own rules, which were few. Early matches, some of them free-for-alls, featured biting and gouging(欺诈) as well as punching. In most instances they were also illegal. In 1888, John L. Sullivan, a bare-knuckle champion and Americas first sports celebrity, won a clandestine (秘密的) 75-round match.,Background information,New York legalized boxing in 1。

综合英语Book III Unit 9 Who Killed Be关nny Paret.ppt
综合英语Book V 中Unit (4).ppt
新职业英语 综合英语2 Unit 3.ppt
综合英语4 Unit3 Alienation and the Internet.ppt
综合英语4 unit8 部分课后习题答案 及text B 讲解.ppt
综合英语Secrets of Straight-A Students.ppt
新职业英语 综合英语2.ppt
综合英语Hong Kong课后答案;.ppt
综合英语4Unit2personal space.ppt
综合英语3 UNIT 4 Glue.ppt
综合英语Hong Kong课后答案.ppt
综合英语:unit 2the virtures of growing old.ppt
综合英语Five Traits of the Educated Man课件.ppt
综合英语 unit课件.ppt
综合英语III Unit Chinese Food课件.ppt
综合英语Secrets of StraightA Students课件.ppt
综合英语Unit 1Hollywood课件.ppt
综合英语464 课程 A 卷 参考答案或评分标准 20121206.doc
综合英语464 课程 B 卷 参考答案或评分标准 20121206.doc
综合英语(1) 地方作业一.doc
全国 02-04 高等教育自学考试 综合英语.doc
全国 06-07 高等教育自学考试 综合英语.doc
综合英语(4-6)4 课程编码: 21112037-38 试卷编号: A卷 Microsoft W.doc

